TTABlog Quarterly Index: April - June 2011
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Section 2(a) - deceptiveness:
Section 2(d) - likelihood of confusion:
- WYHA? TTAB Affirms Trifusal of NATIONAL QUICK SALE for Real Estate Services
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability: Which of these Three Section 2(d) Refusals Did the TTAB Reverse?
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability: Are "LION GLOBAL INVESTORS" and "LION" Confusingly Similar for Financial Services?
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability: Which One of these Four Section 2(d) Refusals Did the TTAB Reverse?
- TTAB Sustains GAME BOY v. FLASHBOY Opposition: Likelihood of Confusion and Lack of Bona Fide Intent
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability: Are GRAN SOL for Tequila and GRAN VINÃ SOL for Wine Confusingly Similar?
- Precedential No. 13: In Issue-Packed 2(d) Decision, TTAB Cancels "LA INDITA MICHOACANA" Registration for Ice Cream
- Parties Choose ACR, TTAB Finds SOLARIN Not Confusingly Similar to SOLARCAINE for Sun/Tanning Products
- Differences in Financial Goods/Services, Sophistication of Customers Lead TTAB to Reverse 2(d) HOMER Refusal
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability: Are GIFTERGO and GIFTANGO Confusingly Similar for Gift Card Services?
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability: Are Flowers and Flower Pots Related Goods?
- Precedential No. 11: TTAB Limits Madrid Opposition to Goods Listed on ESTTA Form, But Opposer Wins Anyway
- Another Test of Your TTAB Judge-Ability: Are CLOUDBANKS and FOGBANK Confusingly Similar for Wine?
- WYHO? TTAB Finds BRAIN FUEL for Fresh Fruit Not Confusingly Similar to BRAINFUEL for Dietary Supplements
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability: Are "ITOWNS" and "IVILLAGE" Confusingly Similar for Related News Services?
- TTAB Reverses 2(d) Refusal of FUJITECH: Third-Party Registrations Insufficient to Show Relatedness of Various Electronic Goods
- TTAB Reverses 2(d) Refusal of "S9" Over Stylized ".9S" Mark for Computer Goods
- Despite Fame of "BEAUTYREST" Mark, TTAB Dismissses Opposition to "BEST REST" for Mattresses
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability: Are "ROOTER, MD" and "ROOTER-MAN & Design" Confusingly Similar for Plumbing Services?
- Finding TOVARICH Confusingly Similar to TVARSCKI for Vodka, TTAB Grants 2(d) Petition for Cancellation
- TTAB Finds WAGGIN' STRIPS Confusingly Similar to BEGGIN' STRIPS for Pet Treats, But No Dilution or Lack of Bona Fide Intent
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability: Is "RALPH LAUREN STIRRUP COLLECTION" for Watches Confusingly Similar to "STIRRUP" for Jewelry?
- Precedential No. 9: Finding Wine and Beer Related, TTAB Affirms 2(d) Refusal of "HB" over "HB & Crown Design"
- WYHA? TTAB Affirms 2(d) Refusal of LOWFARES.COM over LOWESTFARE.COM for Travel-Related Services
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability On This Section 2(d) Refusal of "EZ DOG & Design" for Animal Toothbrushes
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability: Is BUDDY'S NATURAL CHICKEN Confusingly Similar to BUDDIES?
- TTAB Dismisses "ALPHA KITTY" Section 2(d) Opposition: Opposer Failed to Prove Standing, Priority
Section 2(e)(1) - mere descriptiveness:
- SOLARWINDOW Merely Descriptive of Solar Energy Devices, Says TTAB
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability: Is MOTIONPOWER Merely Descriptive of Electrical Generation?
- WYHA? TTAB Affirms Trifusal of NATIONAL QUICK SALE for Real Estate Services
- WYHA? TTAB Affirms Mere Descriptiveness Refusal of ATHEROABZYME for Diagnostic Test Kits
- TTAB Affirms Mere Descriptiveness Refusal of JEWELRYSUPPLY.COM: No Tacking and Not Enough 2(f)
- TTAB Finds AMERICAN HERITAGE Neither Merely Descriptive of, Nor Deceptive for, Wines
- No Need to Disclaim "RED" in VICTORY RED for Golf Equipment, Says TTAB
- WYHP? Petition to Cancel Backfires When TTAB Finds "SNAP" Merely Descriptive of Syringes
- WYHA? TTAB Affirms Section 2(e)(1) Mere Desciptiveness Refusal of STRETCH FIT for Incontinence Briefs
Section 2(e)(2) - Primarily Geographically Descriptive:
- NORTH AMERICAN RANGE Primarily Geographically Descriptive of Beef, Says TTAB
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability: Is This "HOT SPRINGS NATIONAL PARK ARKANSAS" Logo Primarily Geographically Descriptive?
- TTAB Affirms 2(e)(2) Refusal of EAST COAST for Vehicle Towing Services
- WYHA? TTAB Finds CALIFORNIA GREEN CLEAN Primarily Geographically Descriptive of Janitorial Services
Section 2(f) - Acquired distinctiveness:
- TTAB Affirms Mere Descriptiveness Refusal of JEWELRYSUPPLY.COM: No Tacking and Not Enough 2(f)
- TTAB Affirms Mere Descriptiveness Refusal of JEWELRYSUPPLY.COM: No Tacking and Not Enough 2(f)
- Finding 2(f) Evidence Insufficient, TTAB Affirms Mere Descriptiveness Refusal of "eCopy" for Electronic Copying Software

Failure to function:
- TTAB Reverses Refusal to Register Lacquered Pet Food Container Design, Finding it Inherently Distinctive
- TTAB Affirms Refusal of the "Eddie Bauer Guarantee" for Failure to Function as a Service Mark
- TTAB Finds RADIO-INFO.COM to be Generic for ... Guess What?
- "LOCKBACK" Generic for Foldable Utility Knives, Says TTAB
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability on Two More Genericness Cases: MOCCA and SMOKELESS LOG
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability on These Two Genericness Cases: APPLICATIONSONLINE and BUBBLESEAL
Lack of Bona Fide Intent:
- TTAB Sustains GAME BOY v. FLASHBOY Opposition: Likelihood of Confusion and Lack of Bona Fide Intent
- TTAB Rules that Registrant May Challenge Cancellation Petitioner's Standing, Threatens Sanctions
- TTAB Finds WAGGIN' STRIPS Confusingly Similar to BEGGIN' STRIPS for Pet Treats, But No Dilution or Lack of Bona Fide Intent
- Precedential No. 13: In Issue-Packed 2(d) Decision, TTAB Cancels "LA INDITA MICHOACANA" Registration for Ice Cream
- TTAB Decides "KUZ" Ownership Dispute: a Manufacture/Distributor Family Feud
- TTAB Decides "100 BLACKS IN LAW ENFORCEMENT WHO CARE" Ownership Dispute
Procedural issues:
- Alpha Kitty Roars: Seeks District Court Review of TTAB Dismissal of 2(d) Opposition
- TTAB Rules that Registrant May Challenge Cancellation Petitioner's Standing, Threatens Sanctions
- Precedential No. 13: In Issue-Packed 2(d) Decision, TTAB Cancels "LA INDITA MICHOACANA" Registration for Ice Cream
- Precedential No. 12: TTAB Issues Pre-Trial Order in New REDSKINS Disparagement Case
- Precedential No. 11: TTAB Limits Madrid Opposition to Goods Listed on ESTTA Form, But Opposer Wins Anyway
- Precedential No. 10: TTAB Okays Opposer's Pre-Trial Disclosures, Denies Motion to Strike Trial Testimony

Res Judicata:
Specimen of use/Use in commerce:
- TTAB Affirms Refusal of FNBSECURE for Financial Services Due to Inadequate Specimens of Use
- TTAB Rules That Kappa Alpha Fraternity Logo Does Not Violate Red Cross Statute
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability on this Service Mark Specimen of Use
CAFC Oral Arguments/Decisions:
- CAFC Affirms TTAB's "DEALERDASHBOARD" Mere Descriptiveness Decision
- CAFC Hears Oral Argument in "LE TIGRE" Appeal from TTAB Decision Sustaining 2(d) Claim
Recommended Reading:
- New Orleans Snowball Fight Rages On: SnoWizard Seeks Review of TTAB Mere Descriptiveness Rulings
- INTA and ABA Sections Comment on Proposed TTAB Involvement in Settlement Discussions
- More Comments on TTAB Settlement Involvement: AIPLA, IPO, and John Farmer
- Paul Reidl Files Comments Re Proposal for TTAB Involvement in Settlement Discussions
- TTAB Dismisses Oldest Pending Case, Filed in 1982
- TTABlog Flotsam and Jetsam: TPAC, TTAB Dashboard, and Disclaimer Webcast
- TTABlog Job Posting: DC Area Internet Consultancy Seeks Trademark Attorney
- TTAB Posts June 2011 Hearing Schedule
- June 21st Deadline for Comments on TTAB Involvement in Settlement Discussions
- TTAB Posts May 2011 Hearing Schedule
- Swatch Seeks District Court Review of "SWAP" Opposition Dismissal
- TTAB Seeks Comments on Its Possible Involvement in Settlement Discussions
- TTABlogger Makes World Trademark Review 1000 List
- Transcript of December 3, 2010 USPTO "Trademark E-Gov Best Practices Roundtable"
- Watch for these Trademark CLE Events in April
- TTAB Posts April 2011 Hearing Schedule
Text and photographs © John L. Welch 2011.