TTABlog Quarterly Index: July - September 2007
It was a hot summer in Boston, but sunshine brings good photographs, sometimes. It also brought the new TTAB Rules package in August and practitioners are now chewing over the new rules, wondering just how much more difficult life will be for those who till the soil before our favorite tribunal. The Board cranked out just over a dozen precedential decisions this quarter: in two of the more interesting rulings, it gave a lukewarm welcome to Wikipedia evidence, but the back of its hand to the Wayback Machine. And Leo Stoller saw his trademark portfolio pass into the hands of the Society for the Prevention of Trademark Abuse, or SPTA, seemingly closing a troublesome chapter in Board history.

Section 2(a) - Immoral or Scandalous:
Section 2(d) - Likelihood of Confusion:
- Precedential No. 58: TTAB Affirms Disclaimer Requirement of "TOGGS" and 2(d) Refusal of "ZOGGS TOGGS" over "TOG & Design" for Swimsuits
- Precedential No. 54: TTAB Finds "VTUNES.NET" Confusingly Similar to Famous "ITUNES" Mark, Enters Judgment Summarily
- Fame of "BOTOX" Mark Yields 2(d) Opposition Victory over "SEATOX" for Cosmetics
- Finding Vinegar and Olive Oil Unrelated to Cigars, TTAB Dismisses "MONTECRISTO" Opposition
- Fame and Scope of "VIRGIN" Mark Yields 2(d) Opposition Victory over Auto Dealer
- Precedential No. 48: Based on Third-Party Registrations, TTAB Finds Banking and Real Estate Brokerage to be Related
- Finding Restaurant Services and Rice Related, TTAB Sustains "EL MAGO" 2(d) Opposition
- TTAB Reverses 2(d) Refusal of "KID TENNIS" Design for Clothing: Too Different from "TENNISKIDS"
- No Second Bite of Pineapple: TTAB Denies Request for Reconsideration of "KAMEHAMA" 2(d) Decision
- TTAB Dismisses "EVOLUTION BENEFITS" 2(d) Opposition: Relevant Purchasers Are Sophisticated and Not Likely Confused
- Finding Faucets and Cocks Related, TTAB Affirms 2(d) Refusal of "HANCOCK"
- TTAB Dismisses "PERMA-SHIELD" 2(d) Cancellation Petition: Goods Too Different and Confusion Claim Too Tenuous
- TTAB Again Finds Water and Soy-Based Products Related, Sustains 2(d) Opposition
- TTAB Finds "UNDERDOG" Design Marks Too Dissimilar, Dismisses 2(d) Opposition
- Nebraska Firm Bests Oklahoma Firm in 2(d) Fracas over "FS" Logos for Legal Services
- Precedential No. 45: TTAB Finds "DR. AIR" Confusingly Similar to "DR. SCHOLL'S" and "AIR-PILLO" in Combination
Section 2(e)(1) - Mere Descriptiveness:
- Precedential No. 58: TTAB Affirms Disclaimer Requirement of "TOGGS" and 2(d) Refusal of "ZOGGS TOGGS" over "TOG & Design" for Swimsuits
- TTAB Deems "iPOSTAGE" Merely Descriptive of Internet Postage
- TTAB Reverses 2(e)(1) Descriptiveness Refusal of "FOLDOVER" for Web-Based Marketing Software
- TTAB Affirms 2(e)(1) Descriptiveness Refusal of "THE TTABLOG"
- Precedential No. 44: TTAB Says Wikipedia Evidence is Admissible, but Should Be Corroborated
Section 2(e)(2) - Primarily Geographically Descriptive:
Section 2(e)(3) - Primarily Geographically Deceptively Misdescriptive:
- TTAB Finds "PARIS BAGUETTE" Geographically Deceptively Misdescriptive of Bread
- Precedential No. 50: Section 2(f) Grandfather Clause Does Not Shield Geographically Deceptive Mark from Section 2(a) Refusal
Section 2(e)(4) - Primarily Merely a Surname:

- Precedential No. 55: Wine Not? TTAB Gives Registrant a Break, Denies Fraud Claim
- Submitting Bogus Specimen of Use is Fraud, Says TTAB, Not Surprisingly
Goods in Trade:
Identification of Goods:
Procedural Matters:
- Precedential No. 53: TTAB Strikes "Wayback Machine" Evidence, Enters Summary Judgment Okaying Amendment of "AQUA STOP" Registration
- Gotcha! No Certified Copy of Registration, So TTAB Denies Summary Judgment Motion
- Finding Lawyer's Office Relocation an Insufficient Excuse for Lack of Testimony, TTAB Dismisses Cancellation Petition
- Opposer Fails to Introduce Evidence of Priority, So TTAB Tosses Out Opposition
- Precedential No. 44: TTAB Says Wikipedia Evidence is Admissible, but Should Be Corroborated
Specimen of Use/Mutilation
- Precedential No. 53: TTAB Strikes "Wayback Machine" Evidence, Enters Summary Judgment Okaying Amendment of "AQUA STOP" Registration
- Precedential No. 51: TTAB Affirms Rejection of Specimen of Use and 2(d) Refusal of "CORAZON BY CHICA" for Jewelry
- Precedential No. 46: Following Dell, TTAB Says Website Printouts Suffice as Trademark Specimens
- TTAB Affirms Mutilation Refusal of "VIVE LA VIDA LOW CARB"

TTAB Rule Changes:
- Two Significant TTAB Rule Changes Already in Effect
- Teleconference on TTAB Rule Changes: October 11th
- TTAB Posts Chart Summarizing August 1st Rule Changes
- Merchant & Gould Offers Power Breakfast Meeting on New TTAB Rules
- TTABlog Special Bulletin: TTAB Publishes New Rules Package
- Revised TTAB Rules to be Published Next Week
CAFC Decisions:
- CAFC Affirms TTAB Decision Upholding PTO Requirement for More Particularized Identification of "Chronographs"
- CAFC Affirms TTAB Dismissal of "DYKES ON BYKES" Opposition for Lack of Standing
Leo Stoller:
- Sale of Stoller Trademark Assets to SPTA is Completed
- Letter from SPTA Provides More Detail re Leo Stoller Asset Sale
- Court Approves Sale of Leo Stoller Trademark Assets to the Society for the Prevention of Trademark Abuse, LLC
- Stoller Strikes Out: 7th Circuit Affirms Brett Brothers Non-Infringement Ruling
Recommended Reading:
- The TTAB Comes to Boston: Friday, October 26, 2007
- Omission of Marks in August 28th Printed TM Official Gazette Does Not Affect Opposition Period
- TTAB Posts September 2007 Hearing Schedule
- Marty Schwimmer on Online Branding Issues
- Seattle Trademark Lawyer Reports on USPTO Anti-Counterfeiting Forum
- Rhode Island Federal Court Finds "MEMORY" to be Generic for a Card Game
- TTAB Posts August 2007 Hearing Schedule
- The Trademark Blog Reports on Suit to Oust PTO Deputy Director Peterlin
- Prof. McCarthy Calls Second Circuit's "BUKHARA" Decision a "Great Embarrassment"
- Ron Coleman on "The Defenestration of Bayport"
- July INTA Roundtable Focuses on Advanced TTAB Practice & Procedure
- Boston Duck Tours Wins Injunction Against Competitor's Use of "DUCK TOURS"
- Patently-O Launches Patent Law Jobs Website
- AIPLA Finds TTAB Fraud Standard Too Harsh
- TTAB Posts July Hearing Schedule
Text and photographs Copyright John L. Welch 2007.