TTABlog Quarterly Index: July - September 2006
Well, that was a pretty interesting quarter, don't you think? Our favorite content-provider, Leo Stoller, received a big fat sanction from the TTAB, the Board issued 11 citable decisions, the Trademark Dilution Revision Act made it through Congress, and the PTO strategic plan came out, calling for 60-80 precedential decisions per year. Next quarter will bring the second anniversary of the TTABlog (November 9th), possibly the TTAB Rule changes in final form, the signing of the new dilution bill, and undoubtedly several Leo Stoller-related developments. I can hardly wait.

Section 2(a) - false connection
Section 2(a) - immoral or scandalous
Section 2(d) - likelihood of confusion
- Citable No. 45: TTAB Reverses 2(d) Refusal of Product Configuration Mark
- TTAB Sustains 2(d) "HALTIX & Design" Opposition, But Puts the Brakes on Fraud Claim
- No Joy in Mudville: TTAB Affirms "GOLDEN GLOVE" 2(d) Refusal
- TTAB Waters Down Registered "PERFECT CUP" Mark, Reverses 2(d) Refusal
- Customer Sophistication Leads to TTAB Reversal of 2(d) "NEXGEN" Refusal
- TTAB Finds "SURE CODE" for Printers and "SUREPRINT" for Printer Software Confusingly Similar
- TTAB Reverses 2(d) Refusal of "ORPHAN & Design," Emasculates Cited "ORPHAN MEDICAL" Registrations
- TTAB Says B-GON to "EASYGONE" for Insecticides, Sustains 2(d) Opposition
- TTAB Finds "WEARABLE LIP" and "WEARABLE TREATMENT" for Lipstick Not Confusingly Similar
- "A GAMES" and "X GAMES" Not Confusingly Similar, Says TTAB
- Finding Wine and Restaurant Services Related, TTAB Affirms 2(d) Refusal of "SEVEN SISTERS NAKED EYE"
- TTAB Grounds Seagull Design Mark: Confusingly Similar to "SEAGULL" Word Mark
Section 2(e)(1) - mere descriptiveness:
- Double Meaning of "CINCH" for Snowboard Bindings Leads to TTAB Reversal of 2(e)(1) Refusal
- TTAB Finds "GRAVEL SHOOTER" Merely Descriptive of Aggregate-Dispensing Conveyors
- Finding "BAG" Merely Descriptive of Cloth Plant Holders, TTAB Affirms Disclaimer Requirement
- "MISS NUDE CENTERFOLD SEARCH" Barely Overcomes 2(e)(1) Refusal
- TTAB Affirms Refusal of "BLACK EXPO" (Stylized) for Lack of Distinctiveness
- TTAB Reverses Disclaimer Requirement of "COMMERCE" in "COMMERCE BANK" Mark
- TTABlogger Asks PTO to Reconsider Mere Descriptiveness Refusal of "THE TTABLOG"
- Citable No. 37: TTAB Finds "3-O'S" Merely Descriptive of Car Wheel Rims
- PTO Finally Refuses "THE TTABLOG" as Merely Descriptive; 2(f) Evidence Sought from Readers
Section 2(e)(2) - primarily geographically descriptive:

Section 2(e)(4) - primarily merely a surname:
- Finding PTO's Proofs Inadequate, TTAB Reverses Surname Refusal of "SIKORSKY"
- TTAB Affirms 2(e)(4) Refusal of "BRANIFF" as Primarily Merely a Surname for Air Transport
- TTAB Sinks "COLGATE SAILING SCHOOL," Affirms Section 2(e)(4) Surname Refusal
Section 2(e)(5) - functionality:
- Utility Patent Leads to TTAB Affirmance of Functionality Refusal for Pet Toy Configuration
- Citable No. 41: TTAB Finds Drawing of Product Not Functional for Design Services
- Citable No. 36: TTAB Deems Earplug Configuration Functional Based on Expired Patent
- Citable No. 42: TTAB Sustains India Tea Board's Section 2(d) Opposition Re "DARJEELING" Certification Marks
- TTAB Finds "DOE IN ESTRUS" Generic for ... Guess What?
- TTAB Citable No. 39: "NUTRITION BULLETIN" Generic for ... Guess What?
Concurrent Use:
Phantom Mark:
Procedural Issues:
- Citable No. 44: TTAB Dismisses "DYKES ON BIKES" Opposition for Lack of Standing
- Citable No. 43: TTAB Interlocutory Ruling on Protective Order and Expert Witness Issues
- "GOSMILE PM" Civil Action Yields Second Bite of USPTO Apple
Prosecution Issues:
Drawings/Specimens of Use:
- TTAB Reverses Two Mutilation Refusals, Finding Marks Match Specimens
- TTAB Finds Website Specimen Acceptable for "ENKLAVVOICE" Service Mark
Proposed TTAB Rule Changes:

CAFC decisions:
Leo Stoller:
- Leo Stoller Files Response to CAFC Order Re Jurisdiction Over Sanctions Appeal
- PTO Seeks Dismissal of Stoller Sanction Appeal for Lack of Jurisdiction
- Boy Scouts Sue Leo Stoller for Declaratory Judgment re "NORTHERN STAR COUNCIL" Mark
- TTABlog Mid-August Leo Stoller Update: Hot Times in Leo-Land
- CAFC Raises Issue of Jurisdiction Over Stoller's Appeal from TTAB Sanction Order
- Google Fires Back: Bases Dismissal Motions on TTAB Stoller Sanction Order
- New from the TTABlog Songbook: "STEALTH"
- TTAB Sanctions Leo Stoller: Vacates All Extensions Granted Since November 2005
Recommended Reading:
- TTABlog Recommended Reading: Baird on 2005 CAFC Trademark Decisions
- TTABlog Recommended Reading: Murphy on The Significance of Intent in 2(d) Proceedings
- Trademark Dilution Revision Act of 2006 Goes to President for Signature
- Third Annual BPLA "Trademark Year in Review" is One Month Away
- Third Circuit Affirms Collateral Estoppel Dismissal Based On TTAB 2(d) Ruling
- PTO Announces New Procedures for Submitting Amendments/Corrections to Trademark Applications After Publication
- PTO Strategic Plan Calls for 60-80 Precedential TTAB Decisions Per Year and Citability of Non-Precedentials
- PTO Responds to INTA's Wikipedia Letter: No Blanket Prohibition on Collaborative Websites
- TTAB Posts Hearing Schedule for August
- TTAB Opens Its Hearings to the Public
- PTO Seeks Comments on Proposed Removal of Design Mark Paper Records
- INTA Writes to PTO: Wikipedia And Similar Websites Should Not Be Citable
- Acronym Finder Responds to TTABlog Comments re Reliability
- TTABlogger Co-Hosts July 13th INTA Roundtable on Fair Use
- Flag Football on the Fourth: Another Look at the TTAB's Old Glory Condom Decision
Text and photographs ©John L. Welch 2006.