TTABlog Quarterly Index: January - March 2005
It's time for another index of TTABlog postings. The index for November and December 2004 postings may be found here. During the first quarter of 2005, I posted more than sixty items at the TABlog, typically one per weekday. My goal is to highlight interesting cases, review topical articles, and generally keep myself and the TTABlog's readers informed regarding current TTAB practice and procedures. Comments, criticisms, and corrections are welcome.

Section 2(a) - immoral or scandalous:
- TTAB Finds "TWATTY GIRL" Not Immoral or Scandalous
- USPTO Approves "UCKFAY" Trademark For Clothing
- TTAB Sees "A**HOLE" As Scandalous
Section 2(d) - likelihood of confusion:
- Fame Of "PYREX" Mark Yields TTAB 2(d) Victory Over "PYR-O-REY"
- Pepperdine Wins Left Coast TTAB Battle Over Wave Logos
- TTAB Denies Leo Stoller Summary Judgment Motion In "GROUND ZERO STEALTH" Opposition
- TTAB Affirms 2(d) Refusal Of Afrikaans "SONOP" For Wine
- TTAB Deems "ELLIS BLACK" Confusingly Similar to "PERRY ELLIS"
- TTAB Rules Gospel Music Association Off-Key In 2(d) Appeal
- Gibson Guitar Axed In TTAB "EXP" 2(d) Cancellations
- TTAB Reverses 2(d) Refusal of "McHEALTH CLINIC & Design"
- TTAB Turns Thumbs Down On "GREEN THUMB CLUB" In 2(d) Opposition
- Sharp Appeals TTAB's "THINKSHARP" 2(d) Dismissal
- TTAB To Hear Oral Argument in NYC in "FIRST NIAGARA" Case
- University of South Florida Fails TTAB 2(d) Test
- "MALIBU ROCKS" Crushed In TTAB 2(d) Opposition
- CAFC Clarifies duPont Fame Test In Affirming TTAB's "VEUVE ROYALE" Decision
- Cirque Du Soleil Appeals TTAB's "CIRQUE DE FLAMBE" Ruling
- Costa Del Mar Files Appeal From TTAB Confusion Ruling Re "EX FRAME" For Sunglasses
- Minnesotans Survive Toothless Texan TTAB Priority Challenge Re "NEXT STAGE" Mark
- Leo Stoller Faces Formidable Foe in TTAB "STEALTH" Bowl Battle
- TTAB Sticks A Fork In "STEAKCOUNTRY" Mark
- "COLLEGETOWN" Opposer Flunks TTAB Priority Test
- TTAB Finds Confusion Unlikely Between "SPANGLE" and "PAILLETTES"
- "BBQ PIT STOP" Passes TTAB Mustard
Section 2(e)(1) - merely descriptive:
- TTAB Reverses 2(e)(1) Descriptiveness Refusal of "BERLING" For Typeface Software
- CAFC Affirms TTAB Re "TICK TAPE" 2(e)(1) Refusal
- TTAB Sustains 2(e)(1) Opposition to "CERTIFIED SPECIALITY COFFEE"
- TTAB Affirms 2(e)(1) Refusal Of "WATER WEIGHTS," But Finds Secondary Meaning
- TTAB Vacates "E-LAMP" Decision To Allow Oral Argument
- TTAB Derails "RAILDRIVER" Mark
Section 2(e)(3) - primarily geographically deceptively misdescriptive:
Section 2(e)(4) - primarily merely a surname:
- CAFC Rules That Section 44 Applications Must Meet Lanham Act Section 2 Requirements
- TTAB Affirms PTO'S Refusal of "MARAJ" As Surname
Section 2(e)(5) - functionality:
Section 2(f) - acquired distinctiveness:
- TTAB Affirms 2(e)(1) Refusal Of "WATER WEIGHTS," But Finds Secondary Meaning
- TTAB Reverses Genericness Refusal of "VIRUSSCAN"
- Clear Bottle Appeal May Clarify TTAB Functionality Doctrine
Concurrent Use:
- TTAB Grants Summary Judgment On Dilution Claim: Marks Too Dissimilar
- Cirque Du Soleil Appeals TTAB's "CIRQUE DE FLAMBE" Ruling
- TTAB Finds SOU Fraudulent, Invalidates "PHYSICIANS COMPLEX" Registration
- TTAB Finds Fraud, Summarily Cancels "IT'S A GIRL THING" Registration
- TTAB Affirms Genericness Refusal of "BLINDSANDDRAPERY.COM" In Citable Decision
- TTAB Reverses Genericness Refusal of "VIRUSSCAN"

Not a Trademark/Service Mark:
- TTAB Refuses To Reconsider Slokevage "Trade Undress" Decision
- TTAB Says "ALL AMERICAN WOMAN" Not Merely Ornamental
- TTAB Tosses Out Premature Opposition As A Nullity
- TTAB Dismisses "DOUBLE CHEW" Opposition For Failure To Prove Standing
Trade Dress/Product Configuration
- TTAB Refuses To Reconsider Slokevage "Trade Undress" Decision
- Clear Bottle Appeal May Clarify TTAB Functionality Doctrine
Recommended Reading:
- Still More Reading: McCarthy on Dilution
- Recommended Reading: "Qualitex Revisited"
- More Reading: TrafFix and the Expired Design Patent
- Recommended Reading: Trade Dress Rights in Musical Instruments
Leo Stoller:
- TTAB Denies Leo Stoller Summary Judgment Motion In "GROUND ZERO STEALTH" Opposition
- Leo Stoller Faces Formidable Foe in TTAB "STEALTH" Bowl Battle
- Leo Stoller Claims TTAB Constitutional Violations After Dismissal Of Opposition
- PTO Letters of Protest: The "PODCAST" Paradigm
- TTAB Affirms 80% Of Ex Parte Refusals
- Fancy Footwork: TTAB Allows Change Of Filing Basis During Appeal
- The TTABlog Goes To Washington: 20th Annual ABA IP Law Conference
- USPQ Publishes TTAB's Uncitable Jiu-Jitsu Decision While Citables Go Unpublished
- USPTO Issues First Madrid Protocol Extension of Protection
- The TTAB's Dysfunctional "Family of Marks" Doctrine
- TTAB 2004 Tally: One Dozen Citable Decisions
- "TORREY PINES" TTAB Dispute Roils San Diego
- Revised Section 66(a) Chart
- The TTAB Blues
- TTABlog Makes The IP Blog "Top Ten"
Text and photographs ©John L. Welch 2005. All Rights Reserved.