TTAB Dismisses Oldest Pending Case, Filed in 1982
The end has arrived for the oldest pending TTAB case, United Black Fund v. National Black United Fund, Inc., Cancellation No. 92013503, filed on September 9, 1982. [last TTABlogged here]. After nearly 25 years of suspension, the case was revived last year. In March 2010, the Board issued a new testimony schedule, assigning Petitioner a testimony period closing on December 29, 2010. In January, Respondent filed a motion to dismiss under Rule 2.132(a) because Petitioner took no testimony and submitted no evidence. Petitioner did not respond, and so the Board granted the motion as conceded, in an Order dated June 6, 2011 (here).

Of course, one must ask: what is now the oldest pending TTAB proceeding?
Text Copyright John L. Welch 2011.
Could this be the oldest, a cancellation proceeding filed on 5/25/1989?
Camiceria Pancadi & B.S.R.L v. Le Cravatte Di Pancaldi S.R.L
The case might be moot, as the Plantiff's mark was cancelled in 2003 for failure to file a renewal application. However, it appear to still be suspended.
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