TTABlog Quarterly Index: January-March 2019
We're off and running in a new TTAB year. Don't forget that e-mail subscriptions to the TTABlog are available. Just enter your e-mail address in the box on the right to receive a daily update via Feedblitz. You may also follow the TTABlog on Twitter: @TTABlog.

Section 2(a) - Deceptiveness:
Section 2(a) - False Association:
Section 2(d) - Likelihood of Confusion:
- TTABlog Test: Are These Two Male Torso-Shaped Perfume Bottles Confusingly Similar [Yes]?
- TTABlog Test: Is ALACRAN Confusable with SCORPION for Mezcal? [Yes]
- TTABlog Test: Is "A MOTHER'S TOUCH MOVERS" Confusable with "A WOMAN'S TOUCH MOVING" for Moving Services? [Yes]
- TTABlog Test: Is TEMPUS for Beer Confusable With TEMPUS TWO for WInes? [Yes]
- JUST SAY IT for Books Confusable with and Dilutive of Nike's JUST DO IT, Says TTAB
- TTABlog Test: Is DAILY FILL Confusable with DAILY'S For Gas Station Convenience Store Services? [Yes]
- TTABlog Test: Are These "ALL STAR" Logo Marks Confusable for Auto Part Services? [Yes]
- TTABlog Test: Are Snack Bars Related to Energy Drink Powder and Bicycles? [Yes]
- TTAB Finds GNARLY MARLEY'S Confusable With BOB MARLEY and MARLEY for Clothing and Retail Services
- Finding Clothing and Energy Drinks Related to Coffee, TTAB Grants KICK ASS Cancellation Petition
- Rejecting Estoppel and Parody Defenses, TTAB Finds CRABS ADJUST HUMIDITY Confusable with CARDS AGAINST HUMANITY for Card Games
- TTABlog Test: Is NABOSO (Czech) Confusable With BAREFOOT for Foot Orthotics and Yoga Mats? [No]
- TTABlog Test: Is SKYRIZI Confusable with IZIRIZE for Pharmaceuticals? [No] TTABlog Test: Is "PINK COW & Design" Confusable With "RED BULL & Design" for Soft Drinks [Yes]?
- TTAB Dismisses 2(d) Opposition to "M" Mark for Medication Costing Software
- TTABlog Test: Are These Two "I-10" Marks Confusable for Beer?
- TTABlog Test: Are Automobile Dealerships and Car Washing Services Related? [Yes]
- TTABlog Test: Is "THE OFFICIAL SEXIFIT & Design" Confusable with "IFIT" for Fitness Services? [Yes]
- TTABlog Test: How Did These Three Section 2(d) Appeals Turn Out?
- In 2018, What was the Rate of TTAB Affirmance of Section 2(d) Refusals to Register?
- TTABlog Test: Which of These Three Section 2(d) Refusals Was Reversed?
- TTABlog Test: Is "INCOGNITO" for Footwear Confusable with "STS INCOGNITO & Wolf Design" for Clothing? [No]
- On Remand, TTAB Reverses Course, Finds ALEC BRADLEY STAR INSIGNIA for Cigars Confusable with INSIGNIA for Wine
Section 2(e)(1) - Mere Descriptiveness:
- TTABlog Test: Is BIKESTYLE Merely Descriptive of Cycling Apparel? [Yes]
- WYHA? TTAB Affirms Disclaimer Requirement of “PETITS” in NUTELLA PETITS & Design for Pastry Related Goods
- TTAB Reverses Descriptiveness Refusal of “CANNABIS CANNIBALS” for Cartoons Featuring Cannabis-Smoking Cannibals
- WYHA? TTAB Finds CREATINE GUMMIES Merely Descriptive of Supplements Containing Creatine
- In 2018, How Often Did the TTAB Affirm Section 2(e)(1) Mere Descriptiveness Refusals?
Section 2(e)(5) - Functionality:
Section 2(f) - Acquired Distinctiveness:
- TTAB Affirms Refusals of Color Pink for Tour Guide Services Due to Unacceptable Drawing and Lack of Acquired Distinctiveness
- TTAB Reverses Refusal to Register Starbucks' Green-Circle-on-White-Cup, but Green Circle Alone Lacks Acquired Distinctiveness
- Finding No Fraud and Naked Licensing Barred by Licensee Estoppel, TTAB Denies TREE'S WINGS & RIBS Cancellation Petition
- Precedential No. 38: TTAB Finds Allegations of Abandonment Legally Sufficient Under Iqbal/Twombly
- JUST SAY IT for Books Confusable with and Dilutive of Nike's JUST DO IT, Says TTAB
- Precedential No. 40: TIVOTAPE and TIVOBAR for Lighting Fixtures Dilute Famous TIVO Mark, Says TTAB
- Fourth Circuit Affirms E.D. Va: BOOKING.COM is not Generic, USPTO Gets Attorneys' Fees
- TTAB Finds COMBAT ROSARY Generic for . . . Guess What?
Lawful Use:
Mark/Drawing Issues:
- TTAB Affirms Refusals of Color Pink for Tour Guide Services Due to Unacceptable Drawing and Lack of Acquired Distinctiveness
- TTAB Reverses Refusal to Register Starbucks' Green-Circle-on-White-Cup, but Green Circle Alone Lacks Acquired Distinctiveness
- TTAB Affirms Refusals of SOUTHFACE VILLAGE for Applicant's Internet Portal: Not a Registrable Service
- Finding a Bearded Skull Design Merely Ornamental for Clothing, TTAB Affirms Failure-to-Function Refusal
- In view of Applicant's 11 Existing Registrations, TTAB Reverses 4 Failure-to-Function Refusals of RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS
- "OOPS! WRONG ANSWER" Fails to Function as a Mark for a Trivia Website, Says TTAB
- Denying Cancellation Petition, TTAB Finds that Roman Atwood's "SMILE MORE" Functions as a Mark
- Precedential No. 2: #MAGICNUMBER108 Fails to Function as a Trademark for Shirts, Says TTAB
- #COVFEFE Fails to Function as a Trademark for Clothing, says TTAB
- Precedential No. 1: Wal-Mart's "INVESTING IN AMERICAN JOBS" Fails to Function as a Service Mark, Says TTAB
- WYHA? TTAB Rejects Applicant's Attack on Cited Registration That Was "Wrongly Issued"
- On Summary Judgment, TTAB Dismisses Cancellation Petition Predicated on Respondent's Untimely Section 8 Declaration
- Precedential No. 4: Finding Excusable Neglect Based on Attorney's Medical Issues, TTAB Re-opens Petitioner's Testimony Period
- Precedential No. 38: TTAB Finds Allegations of Abandonment Legally Sufficient Under Iqbal/Twombly
- Precedential No. 37: Dismissing "NAKED" Condoms Cancellation, TTAB Finds Lack of Standing Due To Contractual Estoppel
- TTAB Posts April 2019 Hearing Schedule
- Current Roster of TTAB Judges
- Three New Judges Appointed to TTAB
- The Trademark Reporter's 2019 "Annual Review of U.S. Trademark Cases"
- TTAB Schedules Seven (7) Oral Hearings for March 2019
- E.D. Va. Dismisses Bayer's Section 43(a) Claims but Affirms TTAB's Cancellation of Belmora's FLANAX Registration
- TTAB Schedules Three (3) Oral Hearings for February 2019
- In 2018, How Often Did the TTAB Affirm Section 2(e)(1) Mere Descriptiveness Refusals?
- In 2018, What was the Rate of TTAB Affirmance of Section 2(d) Refusals to Register?
- TTABlog Jobs: Uber Seeks Trademark Paralegal for its San Francisco Office
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2018 (Part II)
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2018 (Part I)
Text Copyright John L. Welch 2019.