Wednesday, August 02, 2006

TTAB Posts Hearing Schedule for August

Well, actually I found the schedule at the website for the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences (link here). The TTAB hearing schedule is in Excel format, which I always find rather user unfriendly. I hope the TTAB adopts a different format when it gets around to posting the schedule at its own website. [TTABlog update: a link to the same schedule now appears at the TTAB website.]

Anyhow, five TTAB hearings are scheduled for August:

August 9, 2006, 10AM: In re Boyd Gaming Corp., Serial No. 76591313. [2(d) refusal involving restaurant services and barbecue sauce, and the mark SMOKEY JOE'S].

August 17, 2006, 2PM: Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. Nutrex Research, Inc., Opposition No. 91159280. [2(d) opposition: VERTEX for pharmaceuticals versus VITRIX for dietary supplements].

August 22, 2006, 2PM: L.& J.G. Stickley, Inc. v. Cosser, Cancellation No. 92040202. [A battle over ownership of the mark THE CRAFTSMAN ALS IK KAN & Design for furniture].

August 23, 2006, 2PM: Kohler Co. v. Baldwin Hardware Corp., Cancellation No. 92041434. [2(d) proceeding involving the mark DEVONSHIRE for plumbing and bath products and for metal door hardware].

August 24, 2006, 2PM: In re Aladdin's Eatery, Inc., Serial No. 76022292. [2(d) refusal of ALADDIN'S EATERY & Design for Middle Eastern restaurant services, in view of registrations for ALADDIN for hotel and restaurant services].

Of course, briefs and other papers may be found at TTABVUE.


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