TTABlog Quarterly Index: October - December 2014
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Section 2(a) - Deceptiveness:
Section 2(d) - Likelihood of Confusion:
- TTAB Test: Is BACCARA for Bottled Water Confusable With BACCARAT for Glassware? [Yes]
- Precedential No. 44: TTAB Test - Are "REDNECK RACEGIRL & Design" and "RACEGIRL" Confusable for Clothing? [No]
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability on these Four Section 2(d) Appeals
- TTAB Reverses 2(d) Refusal of SOUTH BEACH SWIMWEAR for Swimwear
- TTAB Test: Is "PhotoGro" Confusable With "PHOTO MAX" for Fertilizer? [Yes]
- TTAB Finds SNUG BUGS for Plastic Toys Confusable with SNUGGLE BUGZZZ for Plush Toys
- KORD for Audio Equipment Confusable with KORDZ for Connectors, Says TTAB
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability on these Four Section 2(d) Appeals
- TTAB Test: Are CENTURY and SECOLO Confusable for Wine? [Yes]
- TTAB No Brainer? "GO PRO OR GO HOME" Confusable With "GO PRO" for Clothing
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability on these Three Section 2(d) Appeals
- TTAB Test: Are "TOKYO MOTORS" And "TOKYO RODS" Confusable For Retail Auto Parts Services? [Yes]
- TTAB Test: Feast Your Eyes on this 2(d) Refusal of BLUE SANTA STEW HOLIDAY FEAST
- TTAB Test: Are BARTON FAMILY WINERY and THOMAS BARTON Confusable for Wine? [Yes]
- TTAB Test: Are "RightChoice" and "ClearChoice" Confusingly Similar for Dental Implant Services? [Yes]
- Evidence of Actual Confusion Clinches Section 2(d) Opposition Victory
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability On These Four Section 2(d) Refusals
- TTAB Dismisses AGENTLINK 2(d) Opposition: No Priority and No Fraud
- TTAB TEST: Are Bath Salts and Customer Loyalty Programs Related for Section 2(d) Purposes? [Yes]
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability: Which Of These 4 Section 2(d) Refusals Was Reversed
- TTAB TEST: Are AirREX and AIRTECH Confusable for Vehicle Suspension Springs?
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability On These Four Section 2(d) Appeals
- LA BOMBA and LA BAMBA Confusable for Cigars, Says TTAB
- TTAB Reverses Refusal of "ZOMBIE CINDERELLA" over "WALT DISNEY'S CINDERELLA & Design" for Dolls
- Precedential No. 40: TTAB Finds "MC" Family Famous, Sustains Dilution Opposition to MCSWEET for Pickled Vegetables
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability: Are "SPARKLE LIFE" and "SPLASHES & SPARKLES" Confusable for Jewelry? [No]
Section 2(e)(1) - Mere Descriptiveness:
- Another TTAB Test: Is RADIANT POWER Merely Descriptive of Electricity Provider Services? [Yes]
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability on these Four Mere Descriptiveness Appeals
- TTAB Test: Is "THE EGG" Merely Descriptive of Facial Toning Devices? [Yes]
- WYHA? "CURBSIDE EXPRESS" Merely Descriptive of Grocery Delivery Services, Says TTAB
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability On These Four Mere Descriptiveness Refusals
- WYHA? TTAB Affirms Mere Descriptiveness Refusal of POLITICS FUNNIEST RAP BATTLES
- TTAB TEST: Is "BLENDS" Merely Descriptive of Wine Marketing Services?
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability on these Four Mere Descriptiveness Appeals
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability: Is KETOSIS ESSENTIALS Merely Descriptive of Nutritional Supplements? [No]
Section 2(e)(5) - Functionality:

Section 2(f) - Acquired Distinctiveness:
- Title of Book Is Registrable With Acquired Distinctiveness, Says TTAB
- E.D. Va Affirms TTAB: DWG Lacks Acquired Distinctiveness for CAD Software
- Precedential No. 39: Toothbrush Base Design Lacks Acquired Distinctiveness, Says TTAB, Affirming Refusal
- Precedential No. 42: Board Grants 12(b)(6) Motion to Dismiss Fraud, Nonuse, and Abandonment Counterclaims
- TTAB Dismisses AGENTLINK 2(d) Opposition: No Priority and No Fraud
- Precedential No. 41: Finding Fraud, TTAB Sustains Opposition to NATIONSTAR for Real Estate Brokerage Service
- TTAB Finds SHRIMP COTIJA SPRING ROLLS Generic for ... Guess What?
- TTAB Finds "STEAM CAR WASH" Generic for ... Guess What?
- TTAB Finds "PC LAPTOPS" Generic for ... Guess What?
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability: Is THE VINTNER GROUP Generic for a Wine Distributorship? [No]
- Precedential No. 45: TTAB Grants Motion to Amend Opposition to Section 66(a) Application
- Precedential No. 43: TTAB Dismisses XBOX 360 Cancellation Petition as Sanction for Misconduct
- Precedential No. 42: Board Grants 12(b)(6) Motion to Dismiss Fraud, Nonuse, and Abandonment Counterclaims
- TTAB Dismisses Narrowly-Pleaded Section 2(d) Opposition to "Simplicity Hair Oil Blend"
CAFC Decisions:
- CAFC Reverses TTAB Affirmance of Section 2(d) "TAKETEN" Refusal
- CAFC Affirms TTAB Dismissal of DOMAINE PINNACLE Section 2(d) Opposition
- Recommended Reading: Two Trademark Reporter Commentaries on Trademark Use
- TTABlog 10th Anniversary Bonus: The Complete Latest Issue of The Trademark Reporter
- TTABlog Flotsam and Jetsam, Issue No. 15: Fee Reduction, New TPAC Members, TTAB Website Beta
- TTAB Posts December 2014 Hearing Schedule
- E.D. Va. Denies Motion to Dismiss Pro-Football's REDSKINS Appeal
- TTAB Posts November 2014 Hearing Schedule
- Cheryl S. Goodman Appointed as TTAB Judge
- Call For Papers: Sixth Annual INTA Trademark Scholarship Symposium
- Two TTABlogger Papers: One Old, One New
- TTAB Posts October 2014 Hearing Schedule
Text Copyright John L. Welch 2014.
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