Friday, November 07, 2014

TTABlog 10th Anniversary Bonus: The Complete Latest Issue of The Trademark Reporter

Tomorrow is the 10th anniversary of the birth of The TTABlog. What better gift to my readers than the latest, star-studded issue of The Trademark Reporter? [pdf here], featuring a terrific line-up of authors and articles! [I am pleased to note that all but one of the authors are members of the Trademark Reporter Committee of INTA.]

Ten years ago I was (figuratively) rubbing elbows with Leo Stoller (remember him?), the subject of my first blog post. Now I'm in a much better place. So was all that blogging worthwhile? No doubt about it.



Theodore H. Davis Jr. and Lauren Brenner, "Allegations of Fraudulent Procurement and Maintenance of Federal Registrations Since In re Bose Corp."

Sheldon Burshtein, "Trademark Licensing in Canada: The Control Regime Turns 21."

Daniel R. Bereskin, Q.C., "Canada’s Ill-Conceived New “Trademark” Law: A Venture into Constitutional Quicksand."

Jerre B. Swann, "The Evolution of Trademark Economics—From the Harvard School to the Chicago School to WIPO 2013—As Sheparded by INTA and The Trademark Reporter."

E. Deborah Jay, "He Who Steals My Good Name: Likelihood-of-Confusion Surveys in TTAB Proceedings."


Heather Redmond & Elizabeth Buckingham, Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Practice - Reviewed by Anne Hiaring Hocking.

* * * * * * * *

TTABlog note: Thanks again to The Trademark Reporter, and particularly to Managing Editor Lisa Butkiewicz, for granting permission to provide a link to this issue, which is Copyright © 2014 the International Trademark Association and reprinted with the permission of The Trademark Reporter®, Vol. 104 TMR No. 5 (September - October 2014).

Text Copyright John L. Welch 2014.


At 9:24 AM, Anonymous Joe Dreitler said...

Congrats to you.
I can’t begin to imagine all the work that this has been. But, I do know that it is an invaluable tool and a lot of us owe you a heavy debt of gratitude for doing this every day.
Joe Dreitler

At 5:47 PM, Anonymous Anne Gilson LaLonde said...

Congratulations, John! Your blog is fantastic and your faithful readers appreciate the hours you spend on it. Thanks for sharing your expertise.
- Anne


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