TTABlog Quarterly Index: October - December 2008
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Section 2(a) - disparagement:
Section 2(a) - scandalous:
Section 2(a) - suggesting a false connection
- TTAB Affirms Section 2(a) False Connection Refusal of "MOJAVE" for Cigarettes
- TTAB Sustains 2(a) Refusal of "P. MAURIAT" for Musical Instruments
- Precedential No. 42: TTAB Reverses 2(a) False Connection Refusal of "MARIA CALLAS" for Jewelry
- TTAB Rules That "SHINNECOCK" Marks for Cigarettes Suggest a False Connection with the Shinnecock Indian Nation
Section 2(b) - flag, coat of arms, insignia:
Section 2(d) - likelihood of confusion:
- "CRASH DUMMIES" Mark Survives Abandonment Claim, TTAB Sustains 2(d) Opposition to Same Mark for Same Goods
- Despite Fame of "RE/MAX," TTAB Finds No Likelihood of Confusion with "SAVEMAX REALTY"
- TTAB Contingently Sustains 2(d) Opposition Tried Under the Accelerated Case Resolution (ACR) Procedure
- Renown of "THE BLACK DOG" Marks Brings TTAB 2(d) Victory Over "YELLOW DOG NANTUCKET" for Clothing
- Despite Applicant's Concession of Most duPont Factors, Including Fame, TTAB Grants 2(d) Summary Judgment Based on Differences in Marks
- Fame of "KOHLER" Mark for Faucets Keys TTAB 2(d) Victory over "KOHLER HOMES"
- TTAB Delivers Split Decision in "IRONMAN" v. "IRON WOMAN" 2(d) Opposition
- TTAB Reverses 2(d) Refusal, Finds "PORTIA SUMMA" and "SUMMA VINEYARDS" Not Confusingly Similar for Wine
- Fame of "MICHELOB" Mark and Survey Evidence Lead Board to Sustain 2(d) Opposition to "MAMBO MICHELADA" for Beer
- Precedential No. 46: TTAB Affirms 2(d) Refusals of "RSI" Design Mark for Ink Jet Printers
Section 2(e)(1) - mere descriptiveness:
- Is Stylization of "GRUNGE" Mark Distinctive? You Be the TTAB Judge!
- Precedential No. 54: "DEC" Merely Descriptive of Nuclear Decay Batteries, Says TTAB
- TTAB Finds "PUCK" Merely Descriptive of Hockey Puck-shaped Security Tags
- TTAB Says "INTERNET AUTO RENT & SALES" Not Generic, But Merely Descriptive and Lacks Acquired Distinctiveness
- Precedential No. 47: "BOBBLE POPS" Merely Descriptive of Candy, Says TTAB, Colorfully
- "ZIP AND STEAM" Merely Descriptive of Cooking Pouches, Says TTAB, Not Surprisingly
- "FASHION TOOLS" Merely Descriptive of Fashion Information Website, Says TTAB, Unconvincingly
- TTAB Invokes Bogus Telescope Analogy, Affirms Mere Descriptiveness Refusal of "WIKINVEST" for Financial Website
- TTAB Pulls Plug on "ELECTRIC" for Watches, Affirms 2(e)(1) Mere Descriptiveness Refusal
- TTAB Reverses Mere Descriptiveness Refusal of "MASTER PLUMBER" for Plumbing Products
Section 2(e)(2) - primarily geographically descriptive:
Section 2(e)(3) - primarily geographically deceptively misdescriptive:
Section 2(e)(4) - primarily merely a surname
Section 2(f) - acquired distinctiveness:
- Irked TTAB Reverses PTO's Stubborn Refusal to Register "STEELBUILDING.COM"
- TTAB Says "INTERNET AUTO RENT & SALES" Not Generic, But Merely Descriptive and Lacks Acquired Distinctiveness
- TTAB Cancels "THE COLD WAR MUSEUM" Registration, Respondents Fail to Prove Acquired Distinctiveness

Failure to Function:
- "IS YOUR MORTGAGE CONTRIBUTING TO YOUR WEALTH?" Fails to Function as a Service Mark, Says TTAB
- "NO BROKEN GLASS" Symbol Fails to Function as a Trademark for Lighting Fixtures, Says TTAB
- Irked TTAB Reverses PTO's Stubborn Refusal to Register "STEELBUILDING.COM"
- TTAB Says "INTERNET AUTO RENT & SALES" Not Generic, But Merely Descriptive and Lacks Acquired Distinctiveness
- TTAB Finds "BOMBJAMMER" Generic for ... Guess What?
- PTO Publishes Summary of Rule Changes Effective January 16, 2009
- Precedential No. 53: TTAB Decides Ownership Dispute over "JOYCE" for Dance Theater and Charitable Services
Pan American Convention:
- TTABlog Guest Comment: Marty Schwimmer on TTAB's "CUBITA" Summary Judgment Under The Pan American Convention
- Precedential No. 44: TTAB Sustains 2(e)(3) Opposition to "HAVANA CLUB" for Cigars Made From Cuban Seed Tobacco
Procedural Issues:
- Precedential No. 55: TTAB Denies Cross-Motions for Summary Judgment Because Briefs Exceeded Page Limit
- TTAB Contingently Sustains 2(d) Opposition Tried Under the Accelerated Case Resolution (ACR) Procedure
- TTAB Denies Petitioner's Motion to Re-open Discovery Because of Failure to Prove Excusable Neglect
- Precedential No. 51: TTAB Dismisses Morehouse and Laches Defenses, Denies Summary Judgment in 2(d) Opposition
- Precedential No. 50: TTAB Grants Motion to Compel Proper Initial Disclosures
- Precedential No. 49: Failure to Serve Notices of Opposition Leads to Swift TTAB Dismissal
- Precedential No. 48: TTAB Resolves Procedural Spat Over Discovery Conference
- TTAB Cancels "THE COLD WAR MUSEUM" Registration, Respondents Fail to Prove Acquired Distinctiveness
- Precedential No. 45: TTAB Denies Petitioner's Motion to Amend, Grants Respondent's Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings
- Precedential No. 43: Absent TTAB Order, No Sanction for Failure to Provide Initial Disclosures

Single Artistic Work:
Specimens of Use/Drawing:
- TTAB Says "CONTINUUM" Mark is Supported by Specimens Displaying "INDIA CONTINUUM FUND"
- TTAB Affirms Refusal of "DESIGN EXPRESSIONS" Mark: Not Used as Source Indicator on Specimen of Use
- Webpage Specimen for "ONE NATION UNDER GOD" Charity Bracelets Fails to Pass TTAB Muster
- PTO Publishes Summary of Rule Changes Effective January 16, 2009
- TTABlog Holiday Reading: The Trademark Reporter Nov.-Dec. 2008 Issue
- Ron Coleman: "Tackiness not grounds for refusal to register"
- TTAB Posts December 2008 Hearing Schedule
- TTABlog Guest Comment: Michael E. Hall on "The PTO’s Dubious New Trademark Rule 2.85(f) Concerning Identifications in Madrid Applications"
- TTABlog Recommended Reading: "U.S. Declarations of Use for Madrid-Based Registrations"
- Three New Members Appointed to Trademark Public Advisory Committee (TPAC)
- TTABlog Paper: "TTAB Year in Review" (California Edition)
- TTABlog Celebrates Fourth Anniversary!
- TTAB Judge G. Douglas Hohein Passes Away
- TTABlog Flotsam and Jetsam: Issue No. 12
- TTAB Posts November 2008 Hearing Schedule
- TTABlog Guest Comment: Michael E. Hall on "The Continuing Saga of STEELBUILDING.COM"
- Walgreen Seeks District Court Review of TTAB's "WAL-VERT" Decision
- TTAB Posts October 2008 Hearing Schedule
Text and photos ©John L. Welch 2008.
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