Last Call! Free TTABlog Webinar: "TTAB Update: Rules, Rulings and Ruminations" (Sept. 26th at Noon)
I have been told by many that I have a face for radio and a voice for blogging. Nonetheless, Yours Truly will present a webinar on recent TTAB developments on September 26th from 12 to 1 PM EST, sponsored by Wolf, Greenfield & Sacks, P.C. "Admission" is free. Register here.

The webcast will emanate from the Federal Reserve Building in beautiful downtown Boston. Among the topics to be covered are the following:
- Application of the 2017 TTAB rule changes.
- The pending challenge to the constitutionality of Section 2(a)’s bar to registration of scandalous marks.
- The expanding definition of genericness.
- The probative value of evidence of third-party use and registration.
- Payment of USPTO attorney fees in review by civil action.
- Laches, abandonment, failure-to-function and functionality (utilitarian and aesthetic)
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