Latest Version of TTAB's "Advanced Practice Tips"
Here is the latest version of "Advanced Practice Tips From the TTAB." Be aware, however, that this compilation of practical tips is not a substitute for the TBMP. Nonetheless it provides useful guidance on how to navigate many of the procedural issues/hurdles faced by the TTAB practitioner.

I offer a few TTAB tips off the top of my head (some duplicative of the TTAB's tips):
- As soon as the proceeding is commenced, start thinking about what you have to prove, and planning how you will prove it.
- Mid-way through the discovery period, check your initial disclosures to make sure that you named the individuals that you expect to call as witnesses.
- Authenticate the documents produced by the other side, either via discovery deposition or admissions.
- Study the rules and the TBMP so that your pleaded registrations are properly made of record.
- Be reasonable in dealing with the other side. The Board and its interlocutory attorneys appreciate advocates who are reasonable (and respectful), which can benefit you in the short and the long run.
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TTABlog comment: Any tips of your own?
Text Copyright John L. Welch 2015.
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