Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability on these Four Section 2(d) Appeals
I once heard a TTAB judge say that the outcome of most Section 2(d) likelihood of confusion cases can be predicted just by looking at the marks and the identified goods and/or services, without more. Well, try your skills on these four appeals, keeping in mind that, by my estimate, about 85% of Section 2(d) refusals are affirmed by the Board. [Answers in first comment].

In re Petroleum Service Company, Serial No. 85904470 (December 12, 2014) [not precedential]. [Refusal to register BLUESKY LUBRICANTS for oils and lubricants, including lubricants for industrial machinery [LUBRICANTS disclaimed], in view of the registered mark BLUE SKY for "chemical additives for the after-treatment of exhaust gas, in particular chemical additives for reducing nitrogen oxides in exhaust gas from diesel engines; chemicals used in industry, in particular oil binders, anti-freezing agent, road salt"].
In re Kenneth T. Riddleberger, Serial Nos. 85632364 and 85637348 (December 12, 2014) [not precedential]. [Refusals to register 8UP and 8UPSPORTS for various clothing items, including t-shirts and sweatshirts, in view of the registered marks shown below, for various clothing items, including t-shirts and sweatshirts [APPAREL and CLOTHING disclaimed].
In re Thomas Barton, Serial No. 85826787 (December 11, 2014) [not precedential].[Refusal to register BARTON FAMILY for "wine; wines" in view of the registered mark THOMAS BARTON for "alcoholic beverages, namely, wines"]. [Note: see the case TTABlogged here].
In re Moll Anderson Productions, LLC, Serial No. 85777948 (December 10, 2014) [not precedential]. [Refusal to register ANDERSON WORLD MEDIA for music sound recordings and television and movie production [WORLD MEDIA disclaimed], in view of the registered mark MIKE ANDERSON MEDIA for audio and video recording services and film production [MEDIA disclaimed].
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TTABlog Big Hint: Any predictions? See any WYHA's here?
Text Copyright John L. Welch 2014.
All four were affirmed.
These quizzes are getting predictable.
At least the CAFC reversed the TTAB in one 2(d) case this morning.
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