What is the Likelihood That the TTAB Will Affirm a Section 2(d) Refusal? 90%
I recently looked at the TTAB's FOIA page in an attempt to determine, or at least estimate, the percentage of Section 2(d) likelihood-of-confusion refusals that were affirmed by the Board during the calendar year 2012. I counted 229 Section 2(d) refusals, of which 208 were affirmed and 21 reversed. That's an affirmance rate of 91.7%. So let's say there's a 90% chance of affirmance.

Five of the decisions were precedential: TALENT ASSURANCE/JOB ASSURANCE, ANYWEAR, GRAND HOTEL, COLOMBIANO COFFEE HOUSE, and FUTURA. The ANYWEAR and GRAND HOTEL cases were reversals.
NB: Some cases involved a mark in standard character and stylized form, and I counted that situation as one refusal.
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Text Copyright John L. Welch 2013.
That is a lot higher than I thought. The statistics give new meaning to WYHA.
When I was a student extern there several years ago, I was asked to compile statistics on ex parte appeals. I used the figures for the prior twelve years. For 2(d) issues during that time, (roughly 2500 applications), the affirmance rate was 82%. The high was 89% and the low was 73%. So the current number is not surprising. Thanks for sharing it.
To paraphrase, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is to reverse a 2(d)refusal...
I wonder what the rate is for an Examining Attorney maintaining a 2(d) refusal after arguments are submitted? It would be hard to get the data, but valuable for advising clients.
Very useful information! Thanks for providing it.
Does anyone know what percentage of opposers are successful when the Examining Attorney did not cite the opposer's mark against the application being opposed?
Your information is always useful and appreciated. Thanks for keeping us so informed.
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