Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability: Which One of these Five Mere Descriptiveness Refusals Was Reversed?
The TTAB reversed the PTO in one of the five Section 2(e)(1) mere descriptiveness cases summarized below. [Actually, in the second case, the refusal was based on Applicant's failure to disclaim "APOTHECARY"]. Let's see how you do with them. Do you find any WYHA's here? [Post your comment here].

In re Jrm Nutrasciences LLC, Serial No. 85165397 (November 16, 2012) [not precedential]. [Section 2e)(1) refusal of MUSCLE SPORT INTERNATIONAL for "Dietary and nutritional supplements; Herbal supplements; Nutraceuticals for use as dietary supplements; Weight loss dietary supplements; Pre-workout energy powder drink mixes, namely, nutritional supplement in the nature of a nutrient-dense, protein-based drink mix" [INTERNATIONAL disclaimed].
In re Retail Royalty Company, Serial No. 85257100 (November 20, 2012) [not precedential]. [Rule 6(a) requirement that Applicant disclaim APOTHECARY in the mark HAPPY APOTHECARY for cosmetics].
In re RYW Enterprises, LLC, Serial No. 85260850 (November 27, 2012) [not precedential]. [Refusal to register CRAB RANGOON for "prepared deep-fried dumplings consisting primarily of crab, cheese and vegetables in a flour wrap"].
In re Stephan Blass, Serial No. 85001985 (November 29, 2012) [not precedential]. [Refusal of LightLight for lights products and lighting installation apparatus].
In re OurPet’s Company, Serial No. 85329890 (November 30, 2012) [not precedential]. [Refusal of TOYS FOR TREATS for pet toys].
Text Copyright John L. Welch 2012.
Yaay! My first guess was right.
And CRAB RANGOON a definite WYHA.
Me too!
And I had Crab Rangoon for dinner the other night!
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