Erik Pelton's Summary of October 12th TPAC Public Meeting
Erik Pelton, at his blog, reports here on the October 12th meeting of the Trademark Public Advisory Committee (TPAC).

As to our favorite Tribunal, there follows a summary of some of the points in Erik's report. For more details, see Erik's post:
TTAB Update – Chief Judge Rogers:
Filings - Opposition and cancellation filings were up in FY2012, though not quite as high as the levels prior to the latest recessions.
Precedentials TTAB issued approximately 43 precedential decisions in FY2012. [Approximately? - ed.]
New Hirings – Four new judges [TTABlogged here] and three interlocutory attorneys.
ACR Roundtable - TTAB will be hosting a roundtable on ACR on October 30, 2012, from 1:00 to 3:30 P.M. in the USPTO Madison North Auditorium.
TTABlog note: No mention made of the TTAB's adoption of a new font for some of the Board's opinions. Looks like Times New Roman, only different.
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