Reminder: TTAB Comes to New Hampshire: September 20th at UNH School of Law
The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) will travel to Concord, New Hampshire on Thursday, September 20, 2012, as part of a Boston Patent Law Association (BPLA) program to be held at the University of New Hampshire School of Law, to hear final arguments in Sheetz of Delaware, Inc. v. Doctor's Associates, Inc., Opposition No. 91192657 [Opposition to registration of FOOTLONG for "sandwiches" on the grounds of genericness or, alternatively, mere descriptiveness and lack of secondary meaning]. The hearing will be preceded by a presentation on non-traditional trademarks by Anne Gilson LaLonde and a review of TTAB practice and procedure by Chief Judge Gerard F. Rogers. Professor Ashlyn Lembree and Boston attorney Joshua Jarvis will summarize the parties' arguments prior to the oral hearing. The program will close with a panel discussion on trademark topics before a panel comprised of the speakers. The program will run from about 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM, with a reception afterward. Further details and registration here.

Anne Gilson LaLonde, Gilson on Trademarks
Anne is the author of Gilson on Trademarks, a multi-volume treatise on trademark law published by LexisNexis/Matthew Bender. She has also written articles and spoken on a wide variety of trademark-related topics, including scandalous trademarks, fan-created content and anti-counterfeiting strategies.
Prof. Ashlyn J. Lembree, UNH School of Law
Ashlyn J. Lembree is director of the Intellectual Property and Transaction Clinic at the University of New Hampshire School of Law’s Franklin Pierce Center for Intellectual Property.
TTAB Chief Administrative Trademark Judge Gerard F. Rogers
Appointed to TTAB in 1999; Prior professional experience: Trademark Examining Attorney, 1987-90; Assistant to the Assistant Commissioner for Trademarks, 1990-92; TTAB Staff Attorney, 1992-99; Education: B.A., University of Massachusetts Amherst; J.D., magna cum laude, New England School of Law.
Joshua Jarvis, Foley Hoag LLP
Josh is a senior associate in the Trademark, Copyright and Unfair Competition Practice Group at Foley Hoag LLP, in Boston. His practice is focused on trademark, copyright, and domain name counseling and strategy, including prosecution, licensing, policing, and trademark matters before the TTAB.
John L. Welch - Lando & Anastasi, LLP.
John L. is Of Counsel to the firm, and practices intellectual property law in all its forms. A frequent author and lecturer on TTAB topics, he is the founder and publisher of The TTABlog, a contributing editor to Allen’s Trademark Digest, and a Member of the Editorial Board of The Trademark Reporter. He is co-chair of the BPLA Trademarks and Unfair Competition Committee.
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