ABA Webinar, July 26: Accelerated Case Resolution Before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
The ABA Section of Litigation will present a webinar on the TTAB’s Accelerated Case Resolution (ACR) procedure on July 26th. Mary Margaret L. O’Donnell, Blue Filament Intellectual Property, LLC, Birmingham, MI, will serve as moderator, and TTAB Judge Peter Cataldo and Interlocutory Attorneys Cheryl Goodman and George Pologeorgis as panelists. Date: July 26. Time: 1:00 to 2:30 PM (Eastern). Details and registration here.

If you’ve been wondering how you can more efficiently pursue merits determinations in inter partes proceedings before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) of the USPTO, this ABA webinar is just the ticket. The panel will discuss using the various efficiencies and alternatives to traditional discovery and trial that characterize opposition and cancellation cases proceeding under the TTAB’s Accelerated Case Resolution (ACR) process. If you want to streamline and position opposition and cancellation proceedings for more efficient, economical and focused presentation of the facts and evidence that are necessary to resolve the merits of a case, and are involved in a case with an adversary seeking the same savings, the ACR process may be right for you. ACR can save parties time and resources, and typically will result in faster resolution than a standard TTAB proceeding utilizing traditional discovery and trial methodologies.
Our authoritative panel will provide an overview of the ACR process and discuss how ACR can help parties achieve resolution on an expedited basis. We will examine factors to consider in determining whether ACR is right for a particular situation, and will discuss timing, procedures, and strategies to keep in mind when electing and using Accelerated Case Resolution.
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