TTAB Posts June 2012 Hearing Schedule
The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board has scheduled six (6) oral hearings for the month of June, as listed below. The hearings will be held in the East Wing of the Madison Building, in Alexandria, Virginia. [The hearing schedule and other details regarding attendance may be found at the TTAB website (lower right-hand corner)]. Briefs and other papers for these cases may be found at TTABVUE via the links provided.

June 13, 2012 - 11 AM: Alcatraz Media, Inc. v. Chesapeake Marine Tours, Inc. dba Watermark Cruises, Cancellation No. 92050879 [Petition for cancellation of a registration for ANNAPOLIS TOURS for "conducting guided tours of historic districts and other areas of cities" on the grounds of fraud, genericness, and lack of acquired distinctiveness].

June 13, 2012 - 2 PM: Atlas Flowers, Inc. d/b/a Golden Flowers v. Golden Vision Flower Inc., Cancellation No. 92050966 [Petition for cancellation of a registration for the mark GOLDEN VISION FLOWER INC. & Design for flowers, plants and bulbs, on the grounds of (1) likelihood of confusion with Petitioner's allegedly prior mark GOLDEN VISION & Design, (2) non-use, and (3) fraud].

June 14, 2012 - 11 AM: In re Apple, Inc., Serial Nos. 77616247 et al. [Section 2(e)(1) mere descriptiveness refusal of OPENCL for "application programming interface computer software for use in developing applications for execution on central processing units (CPU) or graphic processor units (GPU), sold as an integral component of computer operating software"].

June 14, 2012 - 2 PM: In re Directv, LLC, Serial Nos. 77967755 et al. [Refusal to register the marks N3D in standard character and stylized form, and N3D DIRECTTV, on the ground that the term "N3D" is merely descriptive of broadcasting, transmission and programming services].

June 19, 2012 - 10 AM: In re Geller, Serial No. 77940879 [Section 2(a) refusal to register the mark STOP THE ISLAMISATION OF AMERICA for "providing information regarding understanding and preventing terrorism," on the ground of disparagement].

June 28, 2012 - 11 AM: In re Genworth Financial, Inc., Serial No. 77782734 [Section 2(d) refusal of COLONY for “life insurance underwriting” on the ground of likely confusion with the registered mark COLONY MEMBER ARGO GROUP and design for "insurance services, namely, writing commercial excess and surplus insurance”].

Text Copyright John L. Welch 2012.
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