Test Your TTAB TriviAbility: Which Law Firms Filed the Most Oppositions in 2011?
Which law firm filed the most oppositions? Well, tell me what firm represents Major League Baseball? The answer to those two questions is supplied by the folks at Towergate Software, IP data mining specialist, who have (once again) compiled a list of the most frequent filers for the past year. The list of the top 16 firms may be found here, in a table that may be expanded to show the name of each plaintiff and each opposition number.

I recommend that you check out Towergate's 2(d) Citation Watch service (details here). This watch service highlights the marks of your firm's clients that were cited by the PTO against other marks, and includes links to the pertinent records.
Text Copyright John L. Welch 2012.
What is the purpose of this list?
I bet every single one of the MLB Oppositions is on rain delay and suspended for settlement.
If all those Applicants stood their ground and said "let's play ball" I would wager with Pete Rose that there would be many less filings by MLB.
More than bullying, it adds to the cost of the TTAB system, just like the baseball stadiums paid with taxpayer dollars.
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