The Trademark Office Comes to California: April 11 (LA) and April 13 (SF)
The State Bar of California will host two one-day seminars on trademark law on April 11 (Los Angeles) and April 13 (San Francisco), entitled "The Trademark Office Comes to California." Details and registration information here. Speakers will include Administrative Trademark Law Judges Lorelei Ritchie and Frances Wolfson, Commissioner for Trademarks Deborah Cohn, and Sharon Marsh, Deputy Commissioner for Trademark Policy. Non-PTO speakers include a half-dozen prominent California practitioners, and one right-coaster, namely, yours truly.

I am greatly looking forward to meeting my California-based readers -- both of them. I will, as usual, focus on TTAB topics, with just a smidgeon of non-TTAB material.
I am one of your 2 west coast readers and am excited to hear you are coming to LA. ;-) I am totally bummed however, that I cannot come to the April 11 event because I have a testimony deposition, in a TTAB cancelation proceeding, that day. I can't wait to read your comments on the event.
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