PTO Roundtable on Trademark Litigation Tactics: Is There a Bull in the Trademark Shop?
Hello, Detroit! The USPTO will host an all-day Conference called "Protecting Your Intellectual Property in the Global Marketplace," on February 10, 2011 at Wayne State University. [Details here]. The afternoon session will include a "Roundtable on Trademark Litigation Tactics: Is there a Bull in the Trademark Shop?"

Reportedly, several trademark bullies will take part in the roundtable, but will be seen only in silhouette behind a white screen, with voices altered to prevent identification.
The TTABlogger wonders why the bullies are getting all the attention? What about the trademark good guys? the trademark angels? Let's think about honoring them!
John and Ron,
This is a sore subject with me and I wil not publish the details. My first comment is: What criteria did whoever use to determine the invitation of a trademark bully? Has a definition been defined? If by Opposition filings there are several. If by 'David and Goliath' standards, there are several. If the silouetted figures with altered voices fall into either of the two categories, it is a good thing that there is not more time for preparing for a trip to Detroit. Either of you care to elaborate?
USPTO updated the agenda for the Detroit event. The 'roundtable' will apparently be Brian Brown from USPTO and Michael A. Lisi from Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn LLP. Not sure who will be behind the curtain.
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