Mark Your Calendar for Meet the Bloggers VI
Meet the Bloggers VI, the best non-INTA event during INTA, will happen on Monday night, May 24th, beginning at 8pm at Lucky's Lounge, 355 Congress Street, Boston. Lucky's is just a few blocks from the convention center. Check the map at the website here.

In addition to yours truly, the TTABlogger, the hosts of Meet the Bloggers VI are Marty Schwimmer of the Trademark Blog, Ron Coleman of Likelihood of Confusion, and Pamela Chestek of Property, intangible.
Lucky's is a little difficult to find, since it does not have outdoor signage. [Can not having signage be a trademark?] It's right smack at the corner of Congress Street and A Street. Go down a few steps to the entrance doorway. [See the photo above]. The convention center is a few blocks leftward.
[Can not having signage be a trademark?]
I haven't been to Boston in years, but there used to be a restaurant down on a pier that had no name. (Gritty atmosphere, great chowder; cash only, no reservations.) As I recall, people called it "no name," but in fact, it had no name. (I'm not sure how it was listed in the phone book -- does come before AAAAARdvark Auto Glass?) Did the restaurant have no trademark or was its lack of trademark a trademark? Everybody seemed to know what you were talking about if you said you were going to that restaurant with no name, but was that just de facto recognition of their distinctive lack of a distinctive trademark? Could a competitor open a restaurant without a name or would it be required to adopt a trademark (and is there a First Amendment problem with that)? What if applicant filed an application for ? What if a competitor filed an application for the word mark NO NAME?
Discuss. More bluebooks available if you fill up the first.
It’s still there! The No Name restaurant. About two blocks from the convention center.
I haven’t been there in about 5 years, so I don’t remember, but I think it has a little sign by the front door.
Looks like they've cleaned it up a bit since I was there, and they do seem to be using "NO NAME" or "NONAME" in the manner of a trademark, although I suppose one might possibly question whether that is distinctive.
So... what if a competitor opened up a restaurant without a name? Would that infringe? Would it matter if the second restaurant's customers (with no encouragement from its management) called it "no name?"
Marty Schwimmer will be answering these questions, and more, at Meet the Bloggers VI.
Marty answers questions?
For free?!
Does one need to be a blogger to attend, or can fans of these blogs attend?
Anyone is welcome. Especially fans.
Anyone is welcome. Especially fans.
Hope there's another in the NY area! I'd attend.
ready ... ready ... ready!
Wish I could come. Our tweetup is from 5:30 to 7:30 PM at Faneuil Hall McCormick & Schmicks and then I have to move my old butt to a client dinner at 8PM. Too many things to do. I will be thinking of you guys. Have fun!
Nils Montan
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