White Sox and Red Sox Oppose "GAMESOX" for Vehicle Mirror Cover
Our latest Hot Stove League case involves a strange double-header: my Chicago White Sox have teamed up with the Boston Red Sox to oppose an application to register the mark GAMESOX for a "vehicle accessory, namely, decorative item for a vehicle mirror." Applicant S & C Concepts, LLC of Springdale, Arkansas, submitted the specimen of use shown immediately below. Boston Red Sox Baseball Club Limited Partnership and Chicago White Sox, Ltd. v. S & C Concepts, LLC, Opposition No. 91185694.

The Opposers claim that the applied-for mark is likely to cause confusion, or create a false association, with their various SOX marks used for a "wide variety of goods and"services, including, without limitation, vehicle accessories." [Somewhere among my personal treasures I have a Chicago White Sox license plate].
So what do you think about this one? Would the Sox prevail if this case went to final decision?
TTABlog comment: I recall attending a game in Comiskey Park in which Ted Williams dropped a fly ball and then hit a home run over the right field roof. Can anyone verify that this occurred? [Not that I attended, but that the Splendid Splinter did this].
Here's a trivia question for you baseball fans: when I played softball with Morgan Finnegan in New York, I was nicknamed "the Stick." What Yankee player was given that monicker?
Text Copyright John L. Welch 2009.
"The Stick" was Gene Michael.
from Keith Danish
(aka The Big Cheese on his firm's softball team).
Gene Michael is the answer.
Gene Michael. I know that only because he started his career in Pittsburgh (where I grew up) and Bob Prince gave everyone nicknames.
Gene Michael? Were you famous for the hidden ball trick?
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