Mark Your Calendar: "MEET THE BLOGGERS V" is Set For Seattle INTA
Mike Atkins, of the Seattle Trademark Lawyer blog, will host the fifth annual "MEET THE BLOGGERS" get-together during the 2009 INTA Annual Meeting in Seattle. Don't miss the opportunity to meet the world's greatest trademark bloggers on Monday evening, May 18th, from 6 to 9 PM at the offices of Graham & Dunn. See Mike's posting (here) to rsvp. I'll see you there.
TTABlog query: Who, if anyone, owns the rights to the mark MEET THE BLOGGERS? I coined the term in 2005, and Marty Schwimmer and I hosted the first two events (San Diego and Toronto) under that title. Ron Coleman joined us for the third, in Chicago. And Jeremy Phillips (IPKAT) was responsible for the Berlin meeting. [Ms. Chestek! Ms. Pamela Chestek! Please pick up the white courtesy phone. We have a trademark ownership question!]

TTABlog update: Ron Coleman at his Likelihood of Confusion blog, gives me some grief here regarding the MEET THE BLOGGERS "mark." When I picked that name, the Ben Stiller movie "Meet the Fockers" was still kicking around, and I thought "Bloggers" made a nice replacement for "Fockers." Five years later, MEET THE BLOGGERS doesn't look so clever. It just lies there like a dead tuna on a Seattle pier.
Text Copyright John L. Welch 2009.
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