TTABlog Holiday Reading: The Trademark Reporter Nov.-Dec. 2008 Issue
Santa Claus arrived a bit early this year with a nice present from INTA: the November-December 2008 issue of The Trademark Reporter. Four articles and an amicus brief discuss zombie trademarks, dilutions surveys, trademark use, and the "famous marks" doctrine, topped off with a brief friendly cup of STARBUCKS (or CHARBUCKS) coffee. A great big thank you to the Trademark Reporter Committee for granting permission to The TTABlog to provide these links. [The illustrations were not supplied by INTA].

Jerome Gilson and Anne Gilson LaLonde, The Zombie Trademark: A Windfall and A Pitfall, 98 TMR 1280 (November - December 2008).

Krista F. Holt and Scot A. Duvall, Chasing Moseley's Ghost: Dilution Surveys Under the Trademark Dilution Revision Act, 98 TMR 1311 (November - December 2008).

Stacey L. Dogan and Mark A. Lemley, Grounding Trademark Law Through Trademark Use, 98 TMR 1345 (November - December 2008).

Anne Gilson LaLonde, Don't I Know You From Somewhere? Protection in the United States of Foreign Trademarks That Are Well Known But Not Used There, 98 TMR 1379 (November - December 2008).

Amicus Brief of the International Trademark Association in Starbucks Corporation v. Wolfe's Borough Coffee, Inc., 98 TMR 1425 (November - December 2008).

[Copyright © 2008 the International Trademark Association, and reprinted with permission from The Trademark Reporter®, Volume 98 (November-December 2008).]
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