TTABlog Flotsam and Jetsam: Issue No. 12
Every 18 months or so, just like clockwork, I gather enough small items to fill a "Flotsam and Jetsam" posting. So let's empty the bin! [The signs in the photos are from East Cambridge].

Randazza on SEX ROD: Marc Randazza provides his comments on the recent RED SOX v. SEX ROD decision at his blog, The Legal Satyricon (here). As you may have guessed, Marc was not pleased with the Board's finding that SEX ROD is a vulgar term. Says Marc: "Unfortunately, for the time being, it seems that the USPTO is governed by Victorian morality, and it intends to make sure that we don't forget it."
TTAB Comes to Boston: Don't forget, the TTAB is coming to Boston one week from today to hear the IRONMAN opposition. Details here.

TTABlogger Road Trip: Yours truly will be speaking on November 7th at the California Bar's 33rd Annual IP Institute, held in Rancho Mirage. I'll be talking about ... guess what? [Details here].
Other Blogs: Seattle Trademark Lawyer reports here that the TTAB is seeking two new judges. Leo won't apply, will he? The Trademark Blog is now allowing comments: how's that working out, Marty? And Pam Chestek's new Property, intangible blog is picking up steam.

Civil Procedure Review? My son Peter sent me this rap video on the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, from Berkeley Law School. I guess they teach law differently on the left coast. BTW: that guy dancing looks kind of familiar. [Caveat: language not safe for work!]
Text and photos Copyright John L. Welch 2008.
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