TTAB Will Hear "IRONMAN" 2(d) Opposition in Boston, October 24th
There are still seats available to "The TTAB Comes to Boston," a program presented by the Boston Patent Law Association (BPLA) on Friday afternoon, October 24, 2008, at Northeastern University School of Law (NUSL). The Board will hear final arguments in Ironman Magazine v. World Triathlon Corporation, Opposition No. 91167894. Briefs and other papers may be found here. Details of the program are here.

Northeastern Univ. School of Law is located at 400 Huntington Avenue, a few blocks down and across the street from the MFA. Take the Green Line to the Northeastern stop (E Train - Heath Street), or the Orange Line to the Ruggles Station, which will put you on the NU campus about one block from the law school. [HT: Ben S.] (Map here).
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