TTAB Posts June 2008 Hearing Schedule
The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board has scheduled eight hearings for the month of June, as listed below. The hearings will be held in the East Wing of the Madison Building. [The hearing schedule and other details regarding attendance may be found at the TTAB website (lower right-hand corner)]. Briefs and other papers for these cases may be found at TTABVUE via the links provided.

June 5, 2008 - 2 PM: Anheuser-Busch, Inc. v. Mambo Seafood #1, Inc., Opposition No. 91160250 [Section 2(d) opposition to MAMBO MICHELADA for beer in view of Opposer's family of MICHELOB marks].

June 10, 2008 - 11 AM: American Medical Rehabilitation Provider Assn. v. U.B. Foundation Activities, Inc., Opposition No. 91158512 and Cancellation No. 92043381 [Challenge to registrations for FIM and THE FIM SYSTEM for publications and services in the field of rehabilitation, on the grounds of genericness and mere descriptiveness].
June 10, 2008 - 2 PM: Environmental Dynamics, Inc. v. Stamford Scientific Int'l, Inc., Cancellation No. 92045054 [Petition for Cancellation of a registration for AIRFLEX for "water cleaning equipment, namely diffusing units for aerating sewage and industrial wastewater," on the ground of likelihood of confusion with the mark FLEXAIR for diffusing units, and on the ground of fraud].
June 11, 2008 - 2 PM: In re Amlin plc, Serial No. 79011475 [Section 2(e)(4) surname refusal of AMLIN for insurance services and financial services relating to the insurance industry].

June 12, 2008 - 11 AM: In re Gungner, Serial No. 78093634 [Failure-to-function refusal of MISSING A RIB, XY INSTEAD OF XX for "Books, brochures, facsimile transmission paper, newsletters, pamphlets featuring content regarding scientific creationism and/or biblical inerrancy as interpreted via virtue of methodologies from the topic of computer science"].
June 19, 2008 - 10 AM: Mattel, Inc. v. The Crash Dummies Movie, LLC, Opposition No. 91159002 [Section 2(d) opposition to registration of CRASH DUMMIES for action figures and other toys, in view of Opposer's alleged prior use of CRASH DUMMIES and THE INCREDIBLE CRASH DUMMIES for action figures and playsets].

June 25, 2008 - 2 PM: In re Brunswick Corp., Serial No. 78875524 [Refusal of AQUAPALOOZA for boats and structural parts therefor for failure to submit proper specimen of use].

June 26, 2008 - 2 PM: In re Vast Resources, Inc. dba Topco Sales, Serial No. 78692514 [Section 2(d) refusal of CLIMAX for adult sexual aids in view of the registered mark JELLY CLIMAX MAXIMIZER for vibrators].
Text Copyright John L. Welch 2008.
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