TTABlog Flotsam and Jetsam: Issue No. 11
It's been more than 18 months since the last "Flotsam and Jetsam" posting. But with a temporary lull in the Board's issuance of decisions, now is a good time to catch up on a few recent, newsworthy items.

TTAB's ACR Program: Bill Heinze, at his I/P Updates blog, reports here on the TTAB's new "Accelerated Case Resolution" (ACR) program, which offers parties the chance to streamline the inter partes process so that the Board may render a final decision on what is largely a stipulated record. "In order to take advantage of ACR, the parties must stipulate that, in lieu of trial, the Board can resolve any issues of material fact." The Board promises to render a written decision within fifty (50) days of the filing of the briefs. [The Board's notice may be found here.]

Georgetown Law School TTAB Event: At her 43(B)log, Professor Rebecca Tushnet announces (here) that Georgetown Law School will host a reception on Tuesday, January 22nd, 4 to 6pm, in honor of the publication of Jeffrey A. Handleman's "Guide to TTAB Practice."

TTABlogger Road Trip: Yours truly will be speaking at the Practicing Law Institute's Program snappily entitled "Navigating Trademark Practice Before the PTO 2008: From Filing Through the TTAB Hearing," held in New York City on February 21-22, 2008. [Brochure here].
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