Where Has Leo Stoller Gone?
Just when I thought I could take a day off from the blog, a big story hits: Leo Stoller's blog is gone! Disappeared! Kaput! That's too bad, because it was a quasi-reliable source of amusement. Anyway, this development got me thinking about a new song for the TTABlog Songbook. It's called "Where Has Leo Stoller Gone?" and it's sung to the tune of "Where Have All The Flowers Gone?"

Where Has Leo Stoller Gone?
Where has Leo Stoller gone?
Erstwhile blogger.
Where has Leo Stoller gone?
Sans portfolio.
Where has Leo Stoller gone?
Gone to rent some marks? Oh no!
When will he ever learn?
When will he ever learn?
Where have Leo's trademarks gone?
Where have Leo's trademarks gone?
Where have Leo's trademarks gone?
To Lance Johnson, every one.
When will he ever learn?
When will he ever learn?
Where have Lance's trademarks gone?
He's our hero!
Where have Lance's trademarks gone?
Where have Lance's trademarks gone?
Up for grabs now, every one.
When will we ever learn?
When will we ever learn?
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