TTABlog Report: Leo Stoller 2007 Update
On this, the last day of the TTABlog's third year of operation, what better way to close out the blogging year than to provide an update on the activities of Mr. Leo Stoller, erstwhile TTAB litigant and self-proclaimed trademark expert? The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit recently proclaimed that "were there a Hall of Fame for hyperactive trademark litigators, Stoller would be in it." Listed below are this year's Stoller-related TTABlog postings, in chronological order. As I previously observed, it looks like the golden days are over for lying in Stealth.

- Google Sues Leo Stoller's Companies for RICO violations
- Chicago Judge Enters Permanent Injunction in Google RICO Action Against Stoller Companies
- USPTO Receives Court Order to Cancel 34 "STEALTH" Registrations Owned by Stoller's Company
- Chicago Federal Court Issues Order Restraining Leo Stoller's Filing of New Lawsuits
- No Joy in Leoville: PTO Cancels 34 "STEALTH" Registrations
- Stoller Strikes Out: 7th Circuit Affirms Brett Brothers Non-Infringement Ruling
- Court Approves Sale of Leo Stoller Trademark Assets to the Society for the Prevention of Trademark Abuse, LLC
- Letter from SPTA Provides More Detail re Leo Stoller Asset Sale
- Sale of Stoller Trademark Assets to SPTA is Completed

Text Copyright John L. Welch 2007.
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