TTAB Posts June 2007 Hearing Schedule
The seven TTAB hearings scheduled for the month of June are listed below. The hearings will be held in the East Wing of the Madison Building. [The hearing schedule and other details regarding attendance may be found at the TTAB website (lower right-hand corner)].

June 12, 2007 - 2 PM: Omega S.A. v. Platts, Opposition No. 91158655 [In this 2(d) priority contest, Opposer claims prior rights in the mark BROAD ARROW for watches, vis-a-vis Applicant's rights in the mark BROADARROW for watches].

June 14, 2007 - 11 AM: In re Madson Prods., LLC, Serial No. 78565462 [Section 2(e)(1) mere descriptivenss refusal of YAK SAK for "fluid-tight plastic or paper utility bags used for motion sickness and disposal of unpleasant matter"].
June 14, 2007 - 2 PM: In re Vanity Fair, Inc., Serial No. 78515219 [Section 2(a) and 2(3)(3) refusals of FRENCH & FLIRTY for "lingerie, sleepwear, and hosiery" on the grounds that the mark is geographically deceptive and primarily geographically deceptively misdescriptive].
June 19, 2007 - 10 AM: In re MediaNews Group Interactive, Inc., Serial No. 78433038 [Section 2(e)(1) mere descriptiveness refusal of the mark BAY HOMESITE for on-line services in the field of real estate and for providing a website for where users may buy and sell goods; Section 2(d) refusal in view of the registered mark HOMESITE for on-line real estate advertising services].
June 19 2007- 2 PM: In re West-Com Nurse Call Systems, Inc. Serial No. 78438594 [Refusal to register the design mark shown below for an electronic nurse call system, on the ground that the mark is merely decorative or informational and fails to function as a trademark].

June 26, 2007 - 10 AM: In re Sungard Reference Data Solutions Inc., Serial No. 78212906 [Section 2(d) refusal of REFERENCEPOINT for computer software for use by energy providers, and by commodities, futures, stock, and bond traders, in light of the registered mark REFERENCE POINT for providing financial information in the field of mortgage loan and mortgage and debt related securities].
June 27, 2007 - 10 AM: In re Conference America, Inc., Serial No. 76618253 [Section 2(d) refusal of FIVE STAR CONFERENCING for telecommunications services, in light of the registered mark FIVE STAR WIRELESS for cellular telephone communication services].
Of course, briefs and other papers for these cases may be found at TTABVUE..
Text Copyright John L. Welch 2007.m
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