Marty Schwimmer and Ron Coleman Sign On as Tri-Sponsors of "MEET THE BLOGGERS III"
Marty Schwimmer of the Trademark Blog and Ron Coleman of the Likelihood of Confusion blog have joined yours truly as co-sponsors of "Meet the Bloggers III," the third annual gathering of trademark bloggers, trademark aficionados, and other INTA-resting INTA-viduals. You can be an INTA-gral part of this INTA-mate non-event by showing up at Chicago's legendary Billy Goat Tavern on Monday night, April 30, between 7:30 and 9:30 PM.

The Billy Goat is located at 430 N. Michigan Avenue (lower level, entrance on Hubbard), just a few blocks from the INTA headquarters hotel. (Map here). It is a bit difficult to find, so you may have to poke around a bit.

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