TTABlog Report: TTAB Issued 57 Citable Decisions in 2006
Set forth below are links to the TTABlog postings for the 57 citable decisions issued by the TTAB in 2006. [The total for 2006 dwarfs those of the last two years: 18 in 2005 (TTABlogged here) and 13 in 2004 (TTABlogged here and here)]. The decisions are categorized by subject matter. If the reader is looking for a particular decision by name, or wants to conduct a key word search to find cases on a particular issue, the best approach is to use the TTABlog Search box on the right hand side of the blog page (just under my photo).

Section 2(a) - deceptiveness:
Section 2(a) - disparagement:
Section 2(a) - false connection:
Section 2(a) - immoral or scandalous:
Section 2(d) - likelihood of confusion:
- Citable No. 51: TTAB Upholds 2(d) Refusal of "PSYCHO" for Clothing, But Overturns Mutilation Refusal
- Citable No. 50: "GENUINE RIDE SKIN CARE" & Design Not Confusingly Similar to "GENUINE SKIN," Says TTAB
- Citable No. 48: "RAD RIGS" and "RAD RODS" Confusingly Similar for Toy Vehicles, Says TTAB
- Citable No. 45: TTAB Reverses 2(d) Refusal of Product Configuration Mark
- Citable No. 29: TTAB Reverses "BOX SOLUTIONS" 2(d) Refusal, but Affirms Disclaimer Requirement of "SOLUTIONS"
- Citable No. 25: TTAB Attempts to Clarify Doctrine of Foreign Equivalents in Affirming 2(d) Refusal of "MARCHE NOIR"
- Citable No. 24: TTAB Dismisses 2(d) Cancellation Re "SUZLON and Design" for Wind Turbines
- TTAB Citable No. 9: "LESSBUCKS COFFEE" Confusingly Similar to Famous "STARBUCKS" Mark
- In Citable No. 5, TTAB Grants Summary Judgment in 2(d) "WIRETRACKS" Cancellation
- "ISHINE" and "Ice Shine" Sound Confusingly Similar, TTAB Says (Citably)
- TTAB Finds "BOSS AUDIO" and "AUDIO BSS" Logos Confusingly Similar in a Citable Decision
- In a Citable Decision, TTAB Cancels Three "TUNDRA" Registrations on the Ground of Fraud
Section 2(e)(1) - mere descriptiveness:
- Citable No. 57: "ARMED ANTIBODIES" Merely Descriptive of Biopharmaceutical Goods and Services, Says TTAB
- Citable No. 49: TTAB Upholds Disclaimer Requirement of "ROUGE" in "GALA ROUGE" for Wine
- Citable No. 37: TTAB Finds "3-O'S" Merely Descriptive of Car Wheel Rims
- "SATURDAY MORNING T.V." Merely Descriptive of TV Programs, Says TTAB in Citable No. 17
- TTAB Citable No. 16: "SMARTSFP" Merely Descriptive of Optical Transceivers
- TTAB Citable No. 15: "FM4910" Merely Descriptive of Flame Retardant Plastic
- "THE BREATHABLE MATTRESS" Merely Descriptive of Mattresses, Says TTAB, Citably
- Citable No. 12: TTAB Throws Wet 2(e)(1) Blanket on "PARTY AT A DISCOUNT!" Application
- Ill Wind Blows for "ERGONOMIC" Ceiling Fan Applicant: TTAB Citably Affirms Mere Descriptiveness Refusal
- "FREEDOM FRIES" Not Merely Descriptive of French Fries, Says TTAB (Citably)

Section 2(e)(1) - deceptively misdescriptive:
Section 2(e)(2) - primarily geographically descriptive:
- Citable No. 40: TTAB Finds "BALASHI" Not Primarily Geographically Descriptive of Beer
- Citable No. 33: TTAB Affirms 2(e)(2) Refusal of "BAIKALSKAYA" as Geographically Descriptive of Vodka
Section 2(e)(3) - primarily geographically deceptively misdescriptive:
Section 2(e)(4) - primarily merely a surname:
Section 2(e)(5) - functionality:
- Citable No. 41: TTAB Finds Drawing of Product Not Functional for Design Services
- Citable No. 36: TTAB Deems Earplug Configuration Functional Based on Expired Patent
- Citable No. 34: TTAB Affirms Refusal of Flavor as a Mark for Pills on Grounds of Functionality and Failure To Function
- Citable No. 31: TTAB Sustains Opposition to Two Product Design Marks as Functional and Non-Distinctive, but Dismisses Fraud Claims
- Citable No. 31: TTAB Sustains Opposition to Two Product Design Marks as Functional and Non-Distinctive, but Dismisses Fraud Claims
- Citable No. 19: TTAB Rejects Fraud Claims, Grants 2(d) Cancellation Counterclaim
- In Citable No. 18, TTAB Draws Distinction between Fraud and Nonuse
- In a Citable Decision, TTAB Cancels Three "TUNDRA" Registrations on the Ground of Fraud
- Citable No. 54: "ESERVER" Generic for Computer Network Products, Says TTAB
- Citable No. 52: TTAB Finds "OUTDOOR PRODUCTS" Generic for ... Guess What?
- Citable No. 42: TTAB Sustains India Tea Board's Section 2(d) Opposition Re "DARJEELING" Certification Marks
- TTAB Citable No. 39: "NUTRITION BULLETIN" Generic for ... Guess What?
- In a Citable Decision, TTAB Reverses Genericness Refusal of AOL's "INSTANT MESSENGER"
Concurrent Use:
Disclaimer practice:
- Citable No. 49: TTAB Upholds Disclaimer Requirement of "ROUGE" in "GALA ROUGE" for Wine
- Citable No. 28: TTAB Reverses Disclaimer Requirement and Clarifies Unitary Disclaimer Rule
Filing basis:
- Citable No. 27: Domestic Assignee of Section 44 Applications Allowed to Amend Basis for Registration

Trade Dress/Product Configuration:
- Citable No. 55: Baldwin Key Head Shape Has Acquired Distinctiveness, Says TTAB
- Citable No. 36: TTAB Deems Earplug Configuration Functional Based on Expired Patent
- Citable No. 31: TTAB Sustains Opposition to Two Product Design Marks as Functional and Non-Distinctive, but Dismisses Fraud Claims
Use in Commerce/Specimen of Use/Mutilation:
- Citable No. 51: TTAB Upholds 2(d) Refusal of "PSYCHO" for Clothing, But Overturns Mutilation Refusal
- Citable No. 46: TTAB Reverses Mutilation Refusal (Again)
- Citable No. 34: TTAB Affirms Refusal of Flavor as a Mark for Pills on Grounds of Functionality and Failure To Function
- Citable No. 32: TTAB Affirms PTO Rejection of Brochure as Specimen of Trademark Use
- Citable No. 26: TTAB Reverses Failure-to-Function Refusal of "INFOMINDER" Service Mark
- Citable No. 23: TTAB Affirms "Failure to Function" Refusal of "SPECTRUM" for Dimmable Pushbuttons
- Citable No. 21: TTAB Rejects Website Specimen for Genitope's "Fingerprint Man" Mark
Procedural Issues:
- Citable No. 56: TTAB Refuses to Review Procedural Propriety of PTO's Belated 2(d) Refusal
- Citable No. 47: TTAB Sets Aside Cancellation Default Judgment for Lack of Service on Respondent
- Citable No. 44: TTAB Dismisses "DYKES ON BIKES" Opposition for Lack of Standing
- Citable No. 43: TTAB Interlocutory Ruling on Protective Order and Expert Witness Issues
- Citable No. 8: Laches Grounds "Gold Seal" 2(d) Cancellation Petition
- Citable No. 7: Canadian Bests Dane in Use-less TTAB Priority Duel
Text and photographs Copyright John L. Welch 2006-7.
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