PTO Announces New Procedures for Submitting Amendments/Corrections to Trademark Applications After Publication
On August 28th, the PTO announced new procedures for amending or correcting trademark applications after publication. (here).

Procedures for Submitting Amendments/Corrections to Trademark Applications After Publication August 28, 2006
To improve the tracking and disposition of amendments and requests for corrections to trademark applications submitted after publication, the Office is providing the following recommended procedures. Once an application has been “approved for publication” by the examining attorney, all amendments and requests for corrections are processed as amendments/corrections after publication. You can determine the status of your application and whether or not it has been “approved for publication” or “published for Opposition” by entering the serial number in the Trademark Applications and Registrations Retrieval (TARR) database at
Applicants are strongly encouraged to review the information concerning their application in the TARR database and as published in the Official Gazette at Upon review of the information concerning your application, any requests for an amendment/correction should be faxed to Post Publication Amendments/Corrections at 571-270-9007 to ensure that they become part of the record for the relevant application. Requests to correct minor typographical errors entered by the USPTO, inquiries regarding the procedure for submitting a post-publication amendment, or questions regarding the status of a post-publication amendment can be e-mailed to TM Post Pub
All post-publications amendments/corrections should be submitted no later than 6 weeks after the publication date to insure that the amendment/correction can be considered prior to the issuance of the notice of allowance or registration certificate. The TM Photocomp mailbox is no longer available for submission of amendments or requests for corrections after publication. The procedure has been changed to ensure that the requested amendment is matched with the proper application, uploaded into the database, and reviewed in a timely manner.
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