Leo Stoller files 75 Extension Requests at the TTAB in First 5 Days of 2006
Leo Stoller has started off the new year in high gear. In the first five days of 2006, his company, Sentra Industries, Inc., filed 75 Requests for Extension of Time to oppose a wide range of marks. Sentra is identified as a Delaware corporation with a Chicago post office address.

For example, Sentra requested an extension of time to oppose Application Serial No. 76976704 for the mark MUNDIAL 2006 for various goods and services in classes 9, 16, and 41, filed by Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), the organizer of soccer's World Cup. The Request for Extension of Time was filed electronically and signed by Mr. Stoller as President/CEO. The ESTTA form includes a space for stating the "good cause" that justifies granting the extension of time; Mr. Stoller took advantage of that opportunity to include the following unconventional statement:
"Please e-mail idms4@hotmail.com and/or call 773-589-0340 WORLD CUP TRADEMARK Licensing to resolve this controversy and/or file an express abandonment! See our website www.rentamark.com"
The other requests appear to contain similar statements.
A search of the USPTO database failed to reveal any registrations in the name of Sentra Industries, Inc. Apparently Mr. Stoller will be claiming common law rights.
The TTABlog reported here last week that Stoller had filed more than 200 extension requests in November and December 2005. In 2006, Stoller is thus far averaging 15 per day; if he can keep up that pace he will file more than 5,000 during the year.
Text Copyright John L. Welch 2006.
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