Divided TTAB Panel Finds "J.W. Foster" Not Merely a Surname
TTAB Judge Drost, writing for the panel majority, has once again penned a dubious decision regarding Section 2(e)(4) of the Trademark Act, reversing the PTO's surname refusal of the mark J.W. FOSTER for footwear, headwear, and clothing. In re Reebok Int'l Ltd., Serial No. 78271326 (October 26, 2005) [not citable].

"In the present case, we have the flip side of the coin.... 'Foster' is not a term that has no other significance. Quite simply, it has other significant non-surname meanings. These meanings are not obscure nor are they meanings that are derived from the surname. Therefore, when we consider the term as a whole, we cannot hold that FOSTER is primarily merely a surname, and adding the letters 'J.W' to it does not change it into a surname."In dissent, Judge Holtzman pointed out that the mark at issue must be considered in its entirety, and that when J.W. is added to FOSTER, the word FOSTER "does not have any other meaning; it would be perceived as a surname."
"The majority ... simply concluded that because FOSTER, itself, is not primarily merely a surname, adding initials to FOSTER does not change it into a surname. This analyis clearly does not take into account the effect of the initials added to FOSTER or the impact of the combination on the purchasing public."Noting prior holdings that "the addition of initials to a surname reinforces the surname significance of the term" [N. PIQUET, M.E. MULLER, J. TAVERNINI, J.C. HIGGINS, and S. SEIDENBERG & CO.'S], Judge Holtzman urged that when J.W. is combined with FOSTER, "[t]he ordinary dictionary meaning of FOSTER would be lost on purchasers in the context of the mark as a whole."
"While the majority's position might be more persuasive if applicant were seeking registration of J.W. FOSTER for foster care services or some other goods or services relating to the ordinary language meanings of "foster," it is not believable that purchasers would think of any of those dictionary meanings when they view the mark on applicant's shoes and coveralls."TTABlog comment: Judge Drost's logic is basically flawed: Just because the addition of initials to a word that is primarily merely a surname does not change the overall surname significance of the combined term, that does not mean, in turn, that the addition of initials to a word that is not primarily a surname could not change its primary significance into that of a surname. It seems to me that the Board needs to take a course, en banc, called "Surnames 101." Text Copyright John L. Welch 2005.
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