TTAB Suspends Madrid Opposition: Turkish Attorney Cannot File Answer
Invoking Trademark Rule 10.14, the Board suspended an opposition brought against a Section 66(a) application (a Madrid Request for Extension of Protection) because a Turkish attorney filed the answer to the Notice of Opposition. Westpoint Stevens Inc. I v. Universal Tekstil Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited Sirketi, Opposition No. 91164850.

In a suspension order dated September 2, 2005, Interlocutory Attorney Nancy L. Omelko pointed out that "Trademark Rule 10.14 does not permit foreign attorneys to practice before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board unless their country allows reciprocal privileges, which Turkey does not."

Applicant Universal was allowed thirty days within with "to appoint U.S. counsel, or to file a paper stating that applicant chooses to represent itself." The Board noted that if a response is not filed, "the Board may issue an order to show cause why default judgment should not be entered against applicant based on applicant's apparent loss of interest in the case."
As of this date, Universal has not filed a response.
TTABlog note: Currently, Canada is the only country that provides reciprocity to trademark practitioners. See TMEP Section 602.
TTABlog comment: It is noteworthy that, during prosecution of the VELSOFT application, Mr. Handanoglu was allowed to file responses to two PTO official actions, in violation of Rule 10.14. Perhaps that is why he believed he could appear in the opposition proceeding on behalf of Universal.
Text Copyright John L. Welch 2005.
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