TTAB 2004 Tally: One Dozen Citable Decisions
The polls are now closed and the final results are in. The total number of citable decisions issued by the TTAB in the year 2004 is 12. [TTABlog update: Not exactly. See note below.] Out of some 600 or so decisions rendered by the TTAB during the year, that comes to one citable decision out of every 50, the smallest ratio in recent memory. The dozen citables were listed in an earlier TTABlog posting, here.
This unusual dearth of precedential rulings may well result in an increased clamor for more citable decisions. Could it come to this?

TTABlog Correction: A 13th citable 2004 decision has bobbed to the surface. Details here.
Text ©John L. Welch 2005. All Rights Reserved.
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