Wednesday, February 19, 2025

TTAB Grants Petition to Cancel VIVACE Registration for Microneedling Device: Manufacturer Owns the Mark, Not Distributor

In a 55-page decision, the Board granted a petition for cancellation of registrations for the mark VIVACE for a "radio frequency microneedling device" on the ground of non-ownership. and the mark THE VIVACE EXPERIENCE for "providing personalized beauty spa services, namely, cosmetic body care and microneedle services" on the ground of likelihood of confusion with Petitioner's common law mark VIVACE for microneedling devices. This blog post will attempt to hit the high points. Sung Hwan E&B Co. Ltd. d/b/a SHEnB Co. Ltd. v. Aesthetics Biomedical, Inc., Cancellation No. 92074719 (February 14, 2025) [not precedential] (Opinion by Judge Cheryl S. Goodman). (Oral Argument held on June 12, 2024).

The VIVACE mark: Petitioner SHEnB is a South Korean company that develops, markets and sells “various innovative products related to skin aesthetics and obesity based on radiofrequency (RF) technologies.” Respondent Aesthetics Biomedical ("ABM") entered into an exclusive distributorship agreement with SHEnB in February 2016 to sell and market the VIVACE micro-needle device and disposable tips in the United States

SHEnB established first use of the VIVACE trademark at least as early as late February 2014, prior to entering into the distribution agreement between itself and ABM by its shipments in commerce of the devices to doctors for the clinical trials.

Plowing through the facts, the Board concluded that ABM failed to rebut or overcome the presumption that SHEnB, the manufacturer, owns the mark.

SHEnB established first use of the VIVACE trademark at least as early as February 2014, prior to entering into the distribution agreement with ABM, by its shipments in commerce of the devices to doctors for the clinical trials. Therefore, the Wrist-Rocket factors for determining ownership did not apply. (Wrist-Rocket Mfg. Co. v. Saunders, 379 F. Supp. 902 (D. Neb. 1974), aff’d in part and rev’d in part, 516 F.2d 846 (8th Cir. 1975)).

Moreover, even if the Wrist-Rocket factors did apply, some factors supported SHEnB and some supported ABM:

Petitioner created and first affixed the VIVACE mark to the micro-needling device, and as the manufacturer controlled the manufacturing quality and uniformity of the goods. The factor relating to the labeling of the device, is a draw, and is neutral. *** The factor relating to advertising favors Respondent but this is not unusual for a domestic distributor that knows the market; this alone does not give rise to trademark rights.

From 2016 through November 2017, SHEnB’s agents responded to queries and complaints forwarded by ABM and repaired the devices. The purchase agreement identified ABM as providing the warranty and warranty service. This factor weighed in favor of ABM. However, the record evidence was insufficient to determine public perception as to the source of the goods at the time of filing of the VIVACE trademark application.

The Board concluded that because ABM was not the owner at the time it filed its use-based application (in May 2017), the VIVACE registration was and is void ab initio. 15 U.S.C. § 1051(a) ("The owner of a trademark used in commerce may request registration ....").

THE VIVACE EXPERIENCE: Respondent ABM was first to use this mark, but not before SHEnB had used the VIVACE mark. The Board found the marks to be similar in appearance, sound, meaning and commercial impression.

Although we acknowledge that Respondent’s mark has some differences in appearance and pronunciation due to the inclusion of the other wording, these differences are not as significant as the similarities in sound and appearance created by the identical common shared term VIVACE. In Respondent’s mark, VIVACE contributes more to the commercial impression of the mark than the suggestive term EXPERIENCE and the definite article THE.

ABM’s witness acknowledged that THE VIVACE EXPERIENCE services are offered in conjunction with SHEnB’s VIVACE micro-needling device. Consequently, the Board found these goods and services to be related.

And so, the Board found confusion likely, and it ordered cancellation of the registration for THE VIVACE EXPERIENCE.

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TTABlogger comment: Not much sympathy here for the distributor.

Text Copyright John L. Welch 2025.


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