Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Recommended Reading: Prof. Michael Grynberg, "Trademarks as Comics"

Michael Grynberg is a professor of law at Depaul College of Law in Chicago, where he focuses on intellectual property. He also likes comic books and comic strips. Putting those two interests together, he created a graphic "article" called "Trademarks as Comics," in which, among other things, he seeks to answer the question, "what can sequential art teach trademark law?" The article may be downloaded here.

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At 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Over many years, I've spent a lot of effort and time (and used a number of different approaches and resources) attempting to help clients and students comprehend these concepts. I wish I could have expressed them it half as well Prof Grynberg does in this sequential art book. I suggest business and law professors teaching trademark- and brand-related courses add this to their syllabi.


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