The TTABlog®
Keeping Tabs on the TTAB®
by John L. Welch
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
JLW Articles
- The Seventy-Seventh Year of Administration of the Lanham Act of 1946 (2024)
- Decisions of the Federal Courts and the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board on Registrability Issues July 2023 to August 2024
- The Seventy-Sixth Year of Administration of the Lanham Act of 1946 (2024)
- Decisions of the Federal Circuit and the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board on Registrability Issues - July 2022 to June 2023
- The Seventy-Fifth Year of Administration of the Lanham Act of 1946 (2023)
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2022.
- The Seventy-Fourth Year of Administration of the Lanham Act of 1946 (2022)
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2021
- Why your TTAB judgment may fall flat in court (with Martin B. Schwimmer)
- Decisions of the Federal Circuit and the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board on Registrability Issues July 2020 to June 2021
- Where to appeal a TTAB decision? The choice is complicated (with Martin B. Schwimmer)
- The Seventy-Third Year of Administration of the Lanham Act of 1946 (2021)
- Decisions of the Supreme Court, the CAFC, and the TTAB on Registrability Issues: July 2019 – September 2020
- The Seventy-Second Year of Administration of the Lanham Act of 1946 (2020)
- US Law Inches Towards Protecting Trademark Reputation Without Use (with Martin B. Schwimmer)
- The Seventy-First Year of Administration of the Lanham Act of 1946 (2019)
- The Seventieth Year of Administration of the Lanham Act of 1946 (2018)
- Decisions of the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board and the Federal Circuit on Registrability Issues: July 2015 to April 2017
- The Sixty-Ninth Year of Administration of the Lanham Act of 1946
- Not So Fast on Marathon Monday: The BAA, the TTAB, and Lanham Act Section 2(a) (with John Carl Zwisler)
- The Sixty-Eighth Year of Administration of the Lanham Act of 1946
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2015
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2014-2015
- The Sixty-Seventh Year of Administration of the Lanham Act of 1946
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2014
- Decisions of the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board and the Federal Circuit on Registrability Issues June 2012 to March 2014
- The Sixty-Sixth Year of Administration of the Lanham Act of 1946
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2012-2013
- 2012-2013 Decisions of the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board and the Federal Circuit on Registrability Issues
- The Sixty-Fifth Year of Administration of the U.S. Trademark (Lanham) Act of 1946
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2011-2012
- The Sixty-Fourth Year of Administration of the U.S. Trademark (Lanham) Act of 1946
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2011 [Part II]
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2011 [Part I]
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions in 2010-2011
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2009-2010
- Fraud and the TTAB: What Hath Bose Wrought?
- TTAB developments: Bose and beyond
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2009®
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2008® (Part I)
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2008® [Part II])
- TTAB Year in Review (2008)
- Unfriendly Shores? Recent Developments in U.S. Law May Trouble Foreign Trademark Owners (with Ann Lamport Hammitte)
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2007®
- TTAB 2007 Update: Rules, Rulings, and Repercussions (with Ann Lamport Hammitte)
- Fraud for Thought: Can Fraud be Avoided by Correcting a False Statement Prior to Publication? (with Ann Lamport Hammitte)
- The TTAB in 2006: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2006® [Part 1 of 2]
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2006® [Part 2 of 2]
- The TTAB and Foreign Website Evidence: Quo Vadis? (with Ann Lamport Hammitte)
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2005
- The Ten Worst TTAB Decisions of 2005?
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2004
- The TTAB in 2004: What Was Hot, What Was Not
- Six Potential Pitfalls in Trademark Prosecution
- Trade Dress and the TTAB
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2003
- The TTAB in 2003 [Part I]
- The TTAB in 2003 [Part II]
- Dilution at the TTAB
- TTAB Practice and the Madrid Rule Changes (with Ann Lamport Hammitte)
- The Top Ten Losing TTAB Arguments
TTABlog Archives

THANK YOU BOTH for an incredible INTA presentation, as always!
Yes -- always an INTA must-see, thank you! However this link seems to be to the 2023 version...
fixed it
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