The TTABlog®
Keeping Tabs on the TTAB®
by John L. Welch
Friday, November 08, 2019
JLW Articles
- The Seventy-Seventh Year of Administration of the Lanham Act of 1946 (2024)
- Decisions of the Federal Courts and the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board on Registrability Issues July 2023 to August 2024
- The Seventy-Sixth Year of Administration of the Lanham Act of 1946 (2024)
- Decisions of the Federal Circuit and the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board on Registrability Issues - July 2022 to June 2023
- The Seventy-Fifth Year of Administration of the Lanham Act of 1946 (2023)
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2022.
- The Seventy-Fourth Year of Administration of the Lanham Act of 1946 (2022)
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2021
- Why your TTAB judgment may fall flat in court (with Martin B. Schwimmer)
- Decisions of the Federal Circuit and the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board on Registrability Issues July 2020 to June 2021
- Where to appeal a TTAB decision? The choice is complicated (with Martin B. Schwimmer)
- The Seventy-Third Year of Administration of the Lanham Act of 1946 (2021)
- Decisions of the Supreme Court, the CAFC, and the TTAB on Registrability Issues: July 2019 – September 2020
- The Seventy-Second Year of Administration of the Lanham Act of 1946 (2020)
- US Law Inches Towards Protecting Trademark Reputation Without Use (with Martin B. Schwimmer)
- The Seventy-First Year of Administration of the Lanham Act of 1946 (2019)
- The Seventieth Year of Administration of the Lanham Act of 1946 (2018)
- Decisions of the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board and the Federal Circuit on Registrability Issues: July 2015 to April 2017
- The Sixty-Ninth Year of Administration of the Lanham Act of 1946
- Not So Fast on Marathon Monday: The BAA, the TTAB, and Lanham Act Section 2(a) (with John Carl Zwisler)
- The Sixty-Eighth Year of Administration of the Lanham Act of 1946
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2015
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2014-2015
- The Sixty-Seventh Year of Administration of the Lanham Act of 1946
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2014
- Decisions of the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board and the Federal Circuit on Registrability Issues June 2012 to March 2014
- The Sixty-Sixth Year of Administration of the Lanham Act of 1946
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2012-2013
- 2012-2013 Decisions of the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board and the Federal Circuit on Registrability Issues
- The Sixty-Fifth Year of Administration of the U.S. Trademark (Lanham) Act of 1946
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2011-2012
- The Sixty-Fourth Year of Administration of the U.S. Trademark (Lanham) Act of 1946
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2011 [Part II]
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2011 [Part I]
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions in 2010-2011
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2009-2010
- Fraud and the TTAB: What Hath Bose Wrought?
- TTAB developments: Bose and beyond
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2009®
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2008® (Part I)
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2008® [Part II])
- TTAB Year in Review (2008)
- Unfriendly Shores? Recent Developments in U.S. Law May Trouble Foreign Trademark Owners (with Ann Lamport Hammitte)
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2007®
- TTAB 2007 Update: Rules, Rulings, and Repercussions (with Ann Lamport Hammitte)
- Fraud for Thought: Can Fraud be Avoided by Correcting a False Statement Prior to Publication? (with Ann Lamport Hammitte)
- The TTAB in 2006: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2006® [Part 1 of 2]
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2006® [Part 2 of 2]
- The TTAB and Foreign Website Evidence: Quo Vadis? (with Ann Lamport Hammitte)
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2005
- The Ten Worst TTAB Decisions of 2005?
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2004
- The TTAB in 2004: What Was Hot, What Was Not
- Six Potential Pitfalls in Trademark Prosecution
- Trade Dress and the TTAB
- The Top Ten TTAB Decisions of 2003
- The TTAB in 2003 [Part I]
- The TTAB in 2003 [Part II]
- Dilution at the TTAB
- TTAB Practice and the Madrid Rule Changes (with Ann Lamport Hammitte)
- The Top Ten Losing TTAB Arguments
TTABlog Archives

Thank you, John!
Congratulations! We highly appreciate the efforts and insights you provide to the trademark community.
Thank you for your time and energy in keeping us updated on TTAB decisions.
No, thank you Professor Welch for your hard work and dedication to this project which educates us all!
Congratulations! TTABlog is a great and valued resource for so many of us.
Congratulations! Great job!!! Keep up the good work.
Thank you John. An invaluable service to us all. A labor of love for sure.
Congrats John!
Happy anniversary, John and The TTABlog. You are an invaluable resource for insights into our specialty and the vagaries of practice before Our Favorite Governmental Agency. I was just reviewing saved decision posts of yours yesterday to research decisions for a response argument.
You're a keeper in more ways than one.
So maybe we should thank Mr Stoller for triggering the launch? No. This is a handy reminder to express our gratitude to John for all his generosity, wit and wisdom -- and his immeasurable impact on practitioners and examiners alike. Bravo! And, please, many more years!
Thank you for providing TTABlog, this is a great service to all of us!
Thanks, John, for the daily roller coaster ride of indignation and approbation!
It's the only blog I read every day and it's been more accessible than Allen's TM Digest. We should get CLE credit for reading it. Thank you.
Mazel tov and great work!
Thank you for this amazing resource. We are all the beneficiaries of your boundless energy and trademark enthusiasm. Many congratulations on your crystal anniversary.
Morning coffee while reading the TTABlog. It doesn't get much better! Thanks John
Thank you for the TTABlog. Also thank you for your live presentations at INTA, Trademark Office Comes to California and elsewhere - it just wouldn't be the same without you.
Your blog has been helpful to me.
Thank you for all your work in putting these posts together. The blog is an invaluable contribution to the practice.
Your blog is a tremendous service to the trademarks legal community. Thanks for keeping it going strong.
I love this blog.learn a lot every day!t you and congratulations!
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