TTAB Posts August 2010 Hearing Schedule
The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board has scheduled three (3) hearings for the month of August, as listed below. The hearings will be held in the East Wing of the Madison Building, in Alexandria, Virginia. [The hearing schedule and other details regarding attendance may be found at the TTAB website.] Briefs and other papers for these cases may be found at TTABVUE via the links provided.

August 3 - 2 PM: In re Jonathan Drew, Inc. d/b/a Drew Estate, Serial No. 77099522 [Refusal to register the mark KUBA KUBA for cigars, tobacco, and related products, on the ground that the mark is primarily geographically deceptively misdescriptive under Section 2(e)(3)].

August 12 - 2 PM: Cardinal Health 303, Inc. v. The Alaris Group, Inc., Oppositions Nos. 91177234, 91177365, and 91177367, and Cancellation No. 92048172 [Consolidated Section 2(d) proceeding concerning likelihood of confusion between Plaintiff's mark ALARIS for various medical products and services relating to intravenous (“IV”) medication delivery and infusion therapy, patient monitoring and related products and services, and Defendant's marks ALARIS SELECT, ALARIS ADVANTAGE, ALARISWARE, and ALARIS for "medical consulting services in the field of medical and vocational rehabilitation primarily responding to the needs of the workers compensation industry].

August 19 - 11 AM: In re Trek 2000 International, Ltd., Serial No. 77099785 [Refusal to register the term THUMBDRIVE for "portable digital electronic devices for recording, organizing, transferring, storing, and reviewing text, data, image, audio and video files; computer software for use in recording, organizing, transferring, storing, and reviewing text, data, image, audio and video files on portable digital electronic devices," on the ground of genericness].

Text Copyright John L. Welch 2010.
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