Reminder: Mark Your Calendar for Meet the Bloggers VI
Meet the Bloggers VI, the best non-INTA event during INTA, will happen on Monday night, May 24th, beginning at 8pm at Lucky's Lounge, 355 Congress Street, Boston. Lucky's is just a few blocks from the convention center, and one block over toward the water. Check the map at the website here.

In addition to yours truly, the TTABlogger, the hosts of Meet the Bloggers VI are Marty Schwimmer of the Trademark Blog, Ron Coleman of Likelihood of Confusion, and Pamela Chestek of Property, intangible.
Lucky's is a little difficult to find, since it does not have outdoor signage. It's right smack at the corner of Congress Street and A Street. Go down a few steps to the entrance doorway. [See the photo above]. The convention center is a few blocks leftward.
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