Tuesday, March 21, 2006

INTA and Oblon, Spivak Submit Comments on Proposed TTAB Rule Changes

INTA has filed its comments on the proposed TTAB Rule Changes. Its letter (here) states: "INTA appreciates the USPTO's efforts to update TTAB rules in order to expedite procedures, ensure parties' full and fair exchange of information, and promote settlement of disputes. However, many of the proposed changes present a significant departure from established TTAB practice. Therefore, INTA believes that the interests of both the USPTO and trademark owners would be better served if certain aspects of the proposal were given additional review and consideration prior to final implemetation."

The Oblon, Spivak law firm has posted its own comments here at its TTAB-Rules blog. It concludes that:

"The likely effects of the proposed amendments are far broader and more significant than anticipated by the PTO. While it is our understanding that the PTO has considered the proposed amendments for more than a year, practitioners, professional organizations, and businesses have been provided with only two months to consider and comment upon the proposed amendments. Although numerous organizations will be commenting on the proposed amendments in a timely manner, there are many who have not had the time or resources to consider and comment. While we have reviewed the proposed amendments, more time to reflect upon and examine their likely consequences will be very well spent.

"Finally, we request that the period for comment be extended by 60 days and that a public hearing be held before any of the proposed rules is adopted."


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