Leo Stoller TTAB Extension Requests Top 550 in Last Three Months
After several quiet weeks, frequent TTAB litigant Leo Stoller is at it again. In the past week (February 12 through 16), Stoller filed, in the name of Sentra Industries, Inc., 115 requests for extension of time to oppose. That brings his total in the last three months (since November 20, 2005) to more than 550. They say that records are made to be broken, but this one may last quite a while (we hope). And he's probably not done yet!

New members of the "Friends of Leo" club include Hilton Hospitality, the Spanish Broadcasting System, L'Oreal, West Publishing Corp., Nationwide Insurance Co., Faberge, Ernst & Young, Mitsubishi, and the National Geographic Society. Among the marks being targeted are LEO for snack foods, HARRY BEAVER'S for restaurant services, GHETTO USA for clothing, CHUG-IT for beverages, and a Tiger Woods' signature mark (see below) for clothing and golf items.

Of course, when Stoller files these requests for extension (which are promptly, and apparently automatically, approved by the TTAB), he does not reveal any details as to what relevant trademark rights he claims to own. He does, however, typically provide contact information for his supposed licensing program: for example, with regard to the Tiger Woods signature mark, Stoller states:
"Please contact idms4@hotmail.com 773-589-0340 TIGER BRAND CONSUMER GOODS TRADEMARK LICENSING to resolve this trademark controversy and/or merely file an Express Abandonment. See Rentamark.com the largest internet trademark licensing firm and trademark enforecement [sic] firm."
Stoller lists hundreds of supposed marks at his rentamark.com website (see the "e-marks" page), but I don't see any TIGER mark.
To review Stoller's filings, surf to the TTABVUE database and insert "Stoller" in the "Correspondent" box. For prior TTABlog discussions of Stoller's extension request filings, start here and follow the various links to prior postings.
Text Copyright John L. Welch 2006.
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