
Thursday, July 08, 2021

Recommended Reading: The Trademark Reporter, May-June 2021 Issue

Here's a bit of beach reading for your summer vacation: the May-June 2021 (Vol. 11 No. 3) issue of The Trademark Reporter (TMR). [pdf here]. Editor-in-Chief Willard Knox summarizes the contents, below.

In this issue, we offer readers a remembrance of former TMR Editor-in-Chief Clifford W. Browning; an article by two survey experts on Eveready surveys, with original research; and an article exploring the long-running dispute over the HAVANA CLUB trademark. 

In Memoriam: Clifford W. Browning (1951–2020). This issue of the TMR is dedicated to former Editor-in-Chief Clifford W. Browning, who is memorialized by his fellow former Editor-in-Chief, Theodore C. Max. 

When to Conduct an Eveready Survey: The Importance of Aided Awareness, Dr. Bruce Isaacson and Dr. Keith A. Botner. This article by two survey experts on the evergreen topic of Eveready surveys revives a TMR tradition of our authors engaging in a robust and respectful dialogue about issues of importance. 

Expropriation of Intellectual Property Rights: The HAVANA CLUB Trademark, Pablo Balañá-Vicente. In this article based on his 2020 Ladas Memorial Award-winning entry (Student Category), the author explores the long-running dispute (in multiple countries and forums) over the HAVANA CLUB trademark and argues for respect for cultural identity in intellectual property.

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TTABlog comment: Once again, I thank The Trademark Reporter for allowing me to provide this issue to you all. This issue of the TMR is Copyright © 2021, the International Trademark Association, and is made available with the permission of The Trademark Reporter®.

Text Copyright John L. Welch 2021.

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