
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Meet the Bloggers XI: Monday, May 4th, 8 PM, Henry's Pub

MEET THE BLOGGERS, perhaps the best non-INTA event ever devised by woman or man, will be held for the eleventh time (XIth), on Monday, May 4th, at 8 PM. at Henry's Pub and Restaurant, 618 Fifth Avenue, in San Diego (Henry's was the site of the first MtB). Come and meet some of the best trademark attorneys in the world, and while you're at it say hello to the sponsors of this year's event. For details, directions, a look at the sponsoring bloggers, and the RSVP link, go here.

MEET THE BLOGGERS I, San Diego, May 2005
Click on photo for larger picture

PS: Can you name the movie from which the name MEET THE BLOGGERS was derived?

Read comments and post your comment here

TTABlog note: No, it wasn't "Night of the Living Dead."

Text Copyright John L. Welch 2015.


  1. Susan Mulholland9:19 AM

    I was there - just camera-shy!

  2. Oh John, I was thinking "Animal House"
    : ) - not really, how about "Meet the Fockers"?

    See you all there (I will likely be in and out). Happy 11th!


  3. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Dirty Dozen???

  4. Darlene S. Klinksieck9:51 AM

    I say "Meet the Fockers" as well. That or "The [Didn't Have Time for] Breakfast Club"!

  5. 11 years already? Wow!

    I guess it could be “Meet Joe Black”; it’s a bit spooky but has sufficient intrigue … could match TTAB practice.

